5 Times Peter Hid an Injury From Tony

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+ the one time he didn't.

This is a new idea for me, but it's one of the 5+1 shot ideas.

or: 5 times Tony figured out about an injury and 1 time when Peter told him

This is mostly fluff actually, despite the injury title.

Plus Jason Ionello is an asshole in the comics (not the movies. in the movies he's a cinnamon roll but ya know whatever) and I'm exploiting that here.

This is mostly Irondad based, but we see Mama Spider, Uncle Loki, Uncle Sam,

1. It Sword of Seems Like You Have a Problem

It was just a normal patrolling day for Peter.

He was swinging through the town when he saw a woman with a sword.

Not to say swords were wrong, but people in New York didn't typically have swords to carry around with them.

The woman was standing in an alleyway, pointing the sword at a guy who was backed up against a wall.

Peter dropped neatly between the buildings to land in between the two.

"Hey guys! Bad day?" He queried.

The woman groaned. "It's about to be a very bad one for you, if you don't back off, Spider-Man."

The man against the wall took the brief moment of her distraction to start to back away. Peter shot a web at the woman as her attention was diverted.

In the nick of time, she dropped to the ground and the web lodged against the wall of a building behind her. She swung the sword at him and he dodged quickly. They had a small fight: swing, dodge, shoot webs, miss, try again.

A scream came from the front of the alleyway. The man who was here before had been blocked by another person holding a gun, brandishing it at the victim.

His Spidey Senses went off too late, and searing pain ripped up his side as the sword embedded itself in his stomach.

Peter looked down to see the woman's hand trembling slightly on the hilt.

"Oh no, I'm allergic!" Peter gasped mockingly. The woman turned toward the front of the alleyway to see the man getting past the one with the gun and fleeing into the streets.

The woman turned back toward Peter and scowled. "You made me lose him. You'll pay," She hissed.

"You know, it sword of seems like you've got a problem with me," Peter pointed out. The woman stared at him for a few seconds, then beckoned to the man at the front of the alleyway.

Peter was just watching them, sword still in his stomach. It was a good thing she hadn't pulled it out yet, but this was getting to be an amusing situation.

"So, the neighborhood wall-crawler," The woman said out loud, watching him. "That's me. Did you know stabbing people was kind of impolite? Because that's not what people typically do at social gatherings."

The woman frowned, but before she could do anything else, Peter kicked her quickly and webbed her to the wall, then turned to the other and knocking him to the ground before sticking him down, too.

"Peter, would you like me to alert Mr. Stark about your injury?" Karen asked in his ear. "No thanks. Tell the police about these two. I'll figure it out," Peter replied.

Karen hesitated. "Are you sure, Peter? This looks serious," She said worriedly. "I'm sure! I'll be fine."

Tony's POV

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