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"Hello! Hello. Yes, it's me. Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. How are you all? Very nice of you to come." Tony smiled winningly at Midtown. "I have already introduced myself. I am Tony Stark, Iron Man. This is Clint Barton, Hawkeye. Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. Vision. Here's Thor and Loki. Steve Rogers, Captain America. James Rhodes, War Machine. Sam Wilson, the Falcon. Bruce Banner, aka Dr. Banner or occasionally the Hulk." Midtown was talking really loudly. "Questions? Raise your hands," Tony announced. A girl named Sally raised a hand tentatively, and the man called on her, rather then the ones shouting and waving their hands. "What about Spider-man?" She asked. Tony cleared his throat awkwardly. "Um... Spider-man is off doing some... important things. He, uh, might join us later. Spider-man's identity is classified to all except for the Avengers and choice workers at SHIELD," Peter looked at Tony oddly. How is Spider-man supposed to join us? Michelle and Ned were both wondering the same thing, because they turned quickly to look at the boy. "You should totally swing in and be cool!" Ned whispered excitedly. "That's a terrible idea!" Peter whisper-yelled. "Please? Remember that time when you said you owed me a huge favor because you came to my house and I helped you heal after getting shot?" Ned pleaded. Peter rolled his eyes. "Maybe..." Ned made puppy eyes. "Fine..." Peter's StarkPhone dinged. Ted is right. That would be cool, visiting as Spider-man, huh? From Mr. Stark. Peter looked up to see Tony smirking at him, then making a 'How about it?' face. The boy put his face in his hands. "Ms Warner? I have to use the restroom," He announced.

Peter's suit was on in a few seconds.
SPY-der-man: Ned, I hate you.
Read at 10:17 AM.

The boy was climbing up Stark towers. When he got to his class's window, he knocked and waved at the people inside. Then, Peter shot a 'Ghost-web' at the window, causing him to be able to swing inside. "Spider-man! What a pleasant and unexpected surprise!" Tony announced with a small grin. "Hey guys! Uhh, why are there kids in here?" Peter asked, feigning confusion. "This is Midtown High. They're visiting the tower for a field trip," Tony explained. "Oh. Hey there!" Peter waved again. "Does anyone have questions for Spider-man?" Tony asked with a wide smile. "You have one text from Ned," Karen announced in Peter's ear. "Show me," The boy whispered. Ned's text showed up on the screen: Dude! Answer Flash's question at some point. Peter internally sighed. He called on Abe. "You saved us at the Decathlon field trip, why were you there?" Peter racked his brain for an answer. "Well, uh, I was tracking the Vulture, and Karen alerted me that there was danger at the Washington Monument," He decided. Not the full truth, but not a lie, either. Abe nodded, satisfied. Next, Peter called on Flash. "Not many people know you, right?" The boy started. Peter nodded, confused. "Well, there's this kid at our school who claims to know you. He's kinda tall, with light brown hair and brown eyes. He isn't here right now, which is sad, because it would be fun to see him when you deny knowing him," Flash described with a triumphant smile. "Oh, you mean Peter?" The spider-boy asked. "Peter Parker? That's why the school name sounded familiar! He works closely with me, makes my tech. Where is he?" Flash's face was red, and he looked furious. "He's in the bathroom," Ned supplied helpfully. "You're Ned, right? And MJ? Peter's talked to me about you guys, and I've seen you around the tower before," Peter smiled slightly. "Anyways, I gotta bounce," The boy continued, sidling toward the window. He shot another ghost-web, and jumped out the window. "Bye, Mr. Stark!" Peter yelled.

Peter rejoined the crowd of high schoolers, who were asking questions anxiously to Tony. "Do you know the name of this kid?" Flash asked scornfully when he got the chance. He had shoved Peter forward, and was wearing a celebratory smile. "You can't pay off THE Tony Stark!" The boy whispered in Peter's ear. "Peter, you mean? Peter Parker? He's an important intern here. Surely you must have learned that by now," Tony drawled. Flash let go of Peter and sputtered furiously. "How did you get Tony Stark to pretend you worked here? Huh, Penis?" He spat. Then he suddenly stopped. All of the Avengers, from Mr. Stark to Wanda, were staring at him with vengeful fury in their eyes.


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