High Stakes

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Bear with me for this.

We have: Avengers (excluding Tony, Natasha, and Clint, because they're spies and stuff) not entirely knowing Peter's powers: They know he's Spider-Man, but assume a lot of stuff is from the suit like the stickiness and the webbing and the stingers and camouflage and bioelectric webbing and talking to spiders. But hey, that's all organic now. This is kinda a minor detail though.

Aunt May is technically Peter's guardian in this, but it doesn't come up until the end.

Other note: MJ is Pepper's personal intern. This is for a small detail later.

I set out to write some heavy-duty angst but instead this happened.

Peter didn't know, at the start of last week, that he'd soon be participating in one of the most intense games of rock-paper-scissors by the end.

Let's take this a bit further back.

-11 days earlier-

"Pssst. Peter. PETER!" Clint hissed. Peter, senses active as always, jolted awake and flipped onto the floor in one deft movement before crouching in a defensive position.

Once he'd spotted the archer hanging out of the vents, he relaxed. "Clint, what the fuck?" He inquired, exasperated. "It's 3 in the morning!" Clint just grinned at him. "Nat and I are starting a prank war. We have Wanda already, we're getting you. Choose one other person and tell us who they are. You have to go give them the news. We'll pick two others."

Peter sighed, annoyance warring with excitement. "Okay, but how many will we have on our team by the end of this?" He asked. "Well, hopefully we'll have seven or eight. But we could take them on with just the four of us!" The man said cheerfully.

Peter shrugged and accepted Clint's outstretched hand to slide into the vents gracefully. "Okay, go choose our teammate!" Clint said, crawling away.

Peter really, really, really wanted to get Tony, but at the same time, he also really, really, really, really, REALLY wanted to prank the man. So, the best option was clearly Loki.

"Hey, Loki - stop screaming it's just me - hey, wanna join a prank war?"

Loki, who had been screaming bloody murder at Peter as he pulled a knife, stopped, noticed that it was, in fact, Peter, and relaxed.

"Peter, why are you in my room? You are aware it is, in fact, 3 in the morning?" Loki asked calmly. "We're doing a prank war," Peter said excitedly. "And we want you on our team. We're making a super overpowered one." Loki started to grin. "Can we get Pietro?" He inquired.

Peter frowned. "I don't think so. We have Wanda and she likes to prank Pietro, so..." Loki smirked. "We have Wanda? Who else do we have?" "Um... Clint, Natasha, Wanda, you, and me. I'm hoping we can get Rhodey and Bucky as well, though." "Excellent. So we won't be murdered by an angry Russian spy/super soldier. And Clint is just about the most childish one around, barring you, so we could have some excellent pranks..."


A few hours later, it was finally an acceptable time to have breakfast.

The Prank War team - Peter, Loki, Clint, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, and Rhodey - had gathered in the kitchen and were waiting for their fellow teammates to come up. Everyone typically entered the room at 7:30 am, sharp. However, Peter and the rest had come up an hour early to discuss strategy. They had set up the opening prank perfectly.

Right on cue, every other Avenger walked in. They barely had time to have shock register on their faces seeing the seven people already present until Clint slammed a hand down on a button and an enormous amount of water spilled from the ceiling, drenching them. Tony looked up, fury in his eyes, soaking wet. He narrowed his eyes at Peter, who was giggling. Steve was staring at his hands, trying to get the water out of his hair.

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