Not (That Much of) An Idiot

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"Hey Peter! Do you think they will know about the trip?" Ned asked excitedly as he took up OH ONLY ABOUT 7/8 OF THE WHOLE BUS SEAT BY LYING DOWN. "Ned. Let me do a head count. One genius billionaire. One super soldier / 90 year old virgin on steroids. One other super soldier - but wait, he has a metal arm / 90 year old - actually, I don't know - probably not a virgin? - on steroids. A super spy lady that would kill someone as soon as look at them. Another super spy man - but WAIT, he shoots arrows like Katniss Everdeen. Hmm... who else? Oh, right. An amazing scientist with some SERIOUS anger issues / a hulking green monster. A god of thunder who, let's be honest here, has more than a bit of an ego and not the sharpest tool in the shed. Then a god of mischief, who once tried to kill all of the others but is now better and can make illusions. A woman with creepy red power thingies and can mind control you in a second. An android with crazy powers AND an infinity stone. Am I forgetting anyone? Oh yeah. A crazy guy that flies around in a wingsuit. And a man that dresses up in an off-brand tin can/off-brand Iron-Man suit. BUT WAIT. There's more. A guy with a costume that can shrink him smaller than an ant. That's all the people at the tower - for today at least," Peter sighed. "Do you think there's really any chance that they WON'T know?" Ned hummed thoughtfully. "Nah, you're right. But maybe they won't know until you're gone..." Peter thought for a moment. "Hopefully."

"Parker! Hey! Hey, Parker? Ready for your idiotic lie to get exposed?" Flash taunted. Peter sighed. "Is it really so hard to believe that I actually have an internship?" He queried. "Yes, because only college level students are allowed, not to mention I deserve an internship WAY more than you!" Flash smirked, receiving fist bumps from his posse.

"Get a life, Eugene," MJ snapped. "Honestly, you're not worth the dynamite it would take to blow you to hell." Ned snickered, and Peter was resisting a laugh. "What do you know? You're just an idiot girl." MJ smirked. Oh shit, now it's time for overdrive. "If you're going to be a smartass, then first you have to be smart. Currently, you're just an ass. As for me being idiotic, what exactly have you done in your lifetime to make you some sort of Einstein? Absolutely nothing, unless you count the discovery of 'Some people are just a waste.' 2090 called. You're dead and you wasted your time on Earth, but that's not really a surprise." Flash took a step back. "Calm down," He snorted. MJ put on a look of annoyance. "Do not make me angry and then tell me to CALM DOWN. That is like stabbing me and then wondering why I'm bleeding. Nonetheless, you'd never get your useless ass close enough to me to stab me because I am so much better than you." Flash glared. "Ass." He spat. "Oooh," MJ grinned. "You can't just say half of someone's title like that!" "What?" Flash asked. "You forgot the 'bad' before the 'ass'. I'm a badass, not an ass. Get it straight. Although your title works three ways. 'Dumbass' is the full title. However, it works separated, too! You're a dumbass, you're dumb, AND you're an ass. Now sit down unless you want me to humiliate you further," MJ threatened.

~•~•~• Gotta have that time skip here•~•~•~

Peter stared up at the familiar building of Stark Tower. "You're screwed..." MJ whispered in his ear, causing him to jump. "Agh! What the FUCK, MJ?" She smirked. "Ready for this... Spider-Man?" Peter reeled. "WHAT? Me?? I have no idea what you're talking about!" MJ rolled her eyes. "Nice try. I won't tell anyone. Good luck, dude. If you need me, just yell." Peter raised an eyebrow. "Obviously, I probably won't come," She added hastily. "But it'll be amusing for me." It was Peter's turn to roll his eyes.

"Class, our tour guide has arrived!" Ms. Warren declared. A tall, dark skinned man appeared at the front of the group. "Hey everyone, my name's Jared," He introduced himself. Peter knew Jared briefly from some interning work when Peter was grabbing stuff for Tony. "Do you think he's 19?" Ned whispered into Peter's ear. "He probably never learned how to read, either," MJ added with a grin. The trio high-fived. Peter smiled - Vines are always amazing. "I will be handing out badges for everyone now," Jared declared. He traveled through the group handing out slips with the corresponding people's names on them. When he arrived at Ned, MJ, and Peter, he beamed. "MJ! Ned! Peter! What's up?" Peter signaled frantically to keep the volume down, as they were attracting some glances. "Right. You guys have your badges though, right?" The trio nodded in unison. "Great. I know you've been on this tour before, so I'll do my best!" Jared grinned and moved off.

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