I Was Hoping We Could, Like, Not Shoot Me

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This was requested by @restlessrainbows - hope you enjoy! I had some artistic license maybe a bit and pulled an identity reveal scene, so you get to see Spideychelle, Peter interacting with Tony, Avengers not knowing him, etc. I didn't really know how to work the teacher into the story though, I'm sorry :|

Things were already looking sketchy when they pulled onto the highway. Peter had simply chucked the field trip form at Aunt May, not bothering to read up on where they were going. Probably somewhere lame, as always. He was regretting that now, because they weren't going in the direction of all the museums. In fact, it was pretty similar to the route Peter took with Happy when going to Stark Towers... holy fuck.

"Ned. Ned!" Peter turned to Ned in fevered anxiety. "Where are we going?" Ned looked at him, confused. "Don't you know?" He asked. "Just tell me!" Peter begged. "Stark... Towers?" Peter's best friend said, confused. 

"Oh fuck."

MJ was smirking at Peter when he looked over his shoulder, considering her, Flash, and Ned were the only ones who knew about his secret - the truth about his "internship" - but the rest of the school did not. 

The bus screeched into the parking lot, where Peter stared in horror at the large tower rising up in front of him. "Oh god. Oh god." MJ snickered. "You are SO SCREWED." Peter mock-glared at her. "Mr. Stark knows you, Flash, and Ned, too!" "Yeah, but he called Ned 'Ted' last time, and Flash 'Dash'. I guess my name was hard to screw up because it was 2 letters." Peter personally thought it was more that Tony suspected he was secretly dating MJ. It wasn't exactly a secret, actually, a couple people at school knew. Peter just didn't tell Tony. 

As soon as they went into the lobby, the teacher called for everyone to get in a line. That was when Peter caught a glimpse of a woman with red hair, dressed in a black combat suit, many guns holstered around her belt. And... oh fuck no! It was the Black Widow. He had seen her literally once, at the battle of the airport. She had confronted him, asking what Peter was doing on the battlefield, what he could do, if he was going to be an Avenger, and so on. Peter answered said questions, trying to keep his voice from trembling and disguise the fact that he was literally 15. Badges were handed out by a tour guide he knew named Robert. The man simply winked at Peter and moved along to MJ and Ned. Flash grinned at him, and pointed over his shoulder to where many of Peter's classmates were gawking at the boy who got skipped. With shaking hands, he pulled out his clearance badge - Alpha 10. Natasha Romanoff was still standing in the room, looking at the line of students. Possibly searching for threats. Peter's Spidey Sense was slightly tingling in the back of his mind - his secret could easily be revealed if she recognized his voice or realized he had high clearance, or really if he did anything noticeable at all and Natasha decided she cared. 

As they passed through the scanners - "... Omega 1. Thompson, Eugene "Flash". Omega 1. Parker, Peter. Alpha 10. Welcome back, Peter! Jones, Michelle "MJ". Omega 1." Peter tried to unobtrusively walk through the scanners, but Natasha's interest had been piqued. He only hoped she didn't see his face. Nope, she had. Natasha was staring right at him. Peter looked at her out of the corner of his eye, and they made eye contact for a split second. His Spidey Senses grew from a tingle to a roar, and Peter hastily faded back into the crowd, settling next to MJ, Ned, and Flash, breathing hard as if he had just run a marathon. "Dude, what was that? Are you ok?" Flash asked. "Th-they don't know about me. Who I am," Peter gasped out. "Who you are? You mean his intern?" Flash said quickly, fabricating a lie to keep the eyes off of Peter. "Yeah - his intern. Um. Anyways she was staring at me really suspiciously and now I'm going to be murdered. His Spidey Senses were dying down now that he was out of sight, but there was a slight prickle still remaining. A warning that one false step could ruin his life.

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