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alright friends i just got hit with 6 shots of inspiration and i'm in a really weird mood right now and i'm listening to crickets right now, so sit down, start reading, and enjoy this coffee-fueled, incredibly short piece of writing that is filled with so much vaguely poetic nonsense that you're gonna want to rip out your eyes by the end of this because god knows i did by the time i finished writing, so i present a short work based on the color red during Peter's life during the events of Homecoming, Infinity War, and Endgame (separated by -hyphens-) because i, the author, said so.

Red has always been a large part of him.

It was the color of the deep rooted bravery that drove him outside every day, the one that kept him moving through the hardest parts of his life, the ones where life was nothing but darkness and pain, the red was flickering there. 

It's the color of short-lived crushes, ones that fill him with glee and a childlike wonder that reminds him of the best things in life. It is similarly the color that reminds him of the many reasons he can never be good enough for those, the internal pain that always lurked in the background of his day, never quite vanishing.

Red was the specific pain inside of him, coming from a desperation to impress a man that had everything and had seen everything. It was what he strived for but never seemed to reach, the color of the mix of anger and pain and sadness and fierce longing that mixed into a raging mass of emotion.

It was the color he saw when he tried his best and only ended with disappointment from the same person.

It wasn't the color he saw when the man left, but it came soon after.

The color that he could never seem to stamp out the remains of, the one that kept flickering, so the more he tried to hide it, the more it showed. 

Red was the color that villains didn't like. It was loyalty, strength, and fierceness, and it made him a threat.

It's the color that kept him moving, and the one that, despite everything, made him stronger. He knew it would: this red had been with him since he was a boy that still only saw the beauty in the world and didn't know the darker red, the one that the world kept secret and would result in devastation.

Red was the color of a hard earned victory, the one that allowed him to take a step back and allow himself happiness. The one that gave him a sense of belonging and validation, because he too was someone who deserved it.

After that, red was a blur. It was a sense of being rushed into things, and being tested before he knew what the answers were. It was the red that knocked him off his feet and sent him spiraling into new places. It wasn't a good red, but it may not have been bad, either. (He said no.)


Red was the sense of never being good enough. It was the color of people sending him away, the color of rage and vulnerability that he didn't know was a shade until it suddenly was. 

But it was still a color that led him through every second, and red is not so easily extinguished as some would like to believe.

It was a dizzying ride of adrenaline and fear as finally - finally - he gained some respect from the man, being the one who could come up with plans (even if they were rip-offs from movies). Red was a flicker of a smile, a glint of an eye that told him he was appreciated.

Red came again as fear. The one that started subtly and grew to a roar: a tidal wave of the emotions he was never able to find the words to say. Dull, dark, and painful. It was all-enveloping and red had never seemed so inescapable, until it was. 


Red is the color of hope. It is tiny, flickering embers sustaining after the logs had long burned away and ash coated the ground in a suffocating grey.

It was the color he saw when he found his family again. It was exhilaration, adrenaline, and everything in between. Red was energy, like he'd never felt before.

And when finally, it went away, everything was calm. Red like he'd seen after long days, when he just sat down and looked around and saw beauty. The red of fiery sunsets and delicate roses.

Then he saw the man on the ground, and it wasn't red. 

It was an abyss of black, drowning and painful, as far as the eye could see.

i have no idea what this is but hey it's content, even if its barely 730 words

well i hope y'all enjoyed this anyways lol i never update but i my mind was wandering and honestly this whole chapter sounded better in my head but i couldn't get my thoughts across to the computer today for some reason plus it's like midnight so no way i'll remember this tomorrow

and of course, have a great day/night/evening/morning/afternoon/eternal abyss/noon/dawn/sunrise!

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