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"Titania ? So I guess the rumors were true" (y/n) said as she heard the Fairy Queen introduce herself.

"What should we do my lady ?" Asked Sebastian calmly.

"You have violated this place , and I believe you must be associates with the woodsman" Titania spoke.

"Woodsman ?" (Y/n) was confused. "We haven't met any woodsman"

"Lies!" Titania exclaimed. Mystical beasts begin surrounding the carriage. "You shall tell me where he is or shall pay the consequences"

"My lady , I await you orders. It seems the Fairy Queen won't listen to reason" Sebastian said as he looks at the beasts apporaching the carriage.

(Y/n) sighed. "I guess we have no choice then. Just make sure to finish the job as soon as possible. Sebastian -" before she could give out a command someone spoke up.

"LAMMY ! YAMMY ! NOW !" A voice of a man ordered. Both Sebastian and (y/n ) were surprised by this.

Large sharp wooden spears appear out of nowhere and stab each beast. "My creations !" Whined the Fairy Queen. "It must be you then !"

A middle aged man appears , carrying two large axes and was wearing some sort of lumberjack attire. He had a muscular body and blonde hair.

"Hey there Titania , missed me ?" He asked in a rough voice.

"So you are in league with them ?!" Titania exclaimed.

The man smirked and dropped his cigar. "Me with these fancy pants nobles ? Don't make me laugh ... I'm just here to finish what I've started" he then his axes in the air.

He charges at her at a fast pace and punched the fair queen in the gut. He catch his two axes and cleanly cut off her head.

"I thought you'd put of more of a fight. Since you're a fairy queen and all" He said in disappointment. "I guess you just rely on your underlings. Lammy , Yammy , it's over. Let's head back"

Two floating children then appeared and floated beside him as he walked away.

"Wait" the man stopped in his tracks as (Y/n) called out to him. She climbed out of the carriage and spoke ,"May I know who you are ?"

"And why ?".

"Because ... I will be taking you" (y/n) said. "Work for me " she extend her hand.

The man rose a brow and smirked. "Me ? Work for the likes of you ? How naive you are brat... Some job offer" he continued on walking away.

(Y/n) rose a brow. "I believe you misheard what I said. I did not invite you , I plan on taking you... Sebastian"

As the man looked ahead of him , the butler was there. His eye-smile giving of an eerie feeling towards the man and the 2 children.

"You have heard my lady's words and you shall be coming with us sir" the butler said.

"This is bad" the kid named Yammy said.

"What should we do Zymon ?" The other child named Lammy asked the man.

"I don't like this one bit ... But I guess we gotta fight it out" He answered. He then turned to (y/n). "You sure are a determined girl. But when I say no" he grabs his axes. "I mean no"

(Y/n) ripped of the cloth on her chest revealing the contract as it glows. "Sebastian , take them down in any way possible. Just make sure they are still alive to be taken back home" she commanded.

"Yes , my lady"Sebastian bowed.

"Lammy , Yammy ... Prepare you guys , I gotta feeling this ain't easy" Zymon said as he readies his axe. "You got guts picking a fight on us" he grinned.

The two children Lammy and Yammy used their powers and levitated the giant stakes that were used on the beasts to stab Sebastian.

The demon butler had no problem dodging each stake flying towards him. "I presume those children aren't human" Sebastian spoke while dodging. As a stake was about to pass through his forehead , in a split second the butler attempted to dodge but Zymon's fist was about to land contact on his face. Luckily , Sebastian managed to dodge it the same time.

"Nice reflexes you got there" Zymon smirked. "But I doubt if you can dodge two things at the same time. Lammy ! Yammy !" The two children used their mysterious powers to launch continuous spears at Sebastian.

The butler was quite in a pinch. He had to dodge not only Stakes manipulated by the ţwo children's attacks but also he had to dodge the axe swing caused by Zymon. 'My , they have quite the teamwork' Sebastian thought as he continued on evading each attack.

(Y/n) was spectating the battle. It wasn't hard to see the large smile of amazement plastered on her face. Seeing the group managing to equal her butler's strength was a feat. She knew these people would fit working for her. Just give them the right push and they'll come and join her side.

"Lammy" Yammy spoke to his sister between the battle. "Focus on assisting Zymon , while I take out the other enemy. She seems weak , but she still is an enemy"

"Right !" Lammy nodded.

With the snap of Yammy's fingers , spears floated above (y/n). At the same time the young lady looked up at what has formed above her , Yammy made them rain on her.


"Got her !" Yammy exclaimed happily as the weapons rained down on (y/n). But he had celebrated to early.

From the cloud of dust a knife was thrown out from it , the two kids were shocked by it and had no time to dodge. "Move away !" Zymon pushed the two , causing him to get hit. He winced in pain

"Zymon !" The two children exclaimed in worry.

"I'm fine" he reassred them.

"But your injured-" Lammy said.

"-what happened to the butler ?!" added Yammy.

"Between our fight , that bastard suddenly dissappeared . I doubt he did ... more like , moved fast to save that mistress of his" Zymon said , gripping the axe his wielding tightly.

"Good eye" it was (y/n)'s voice.

The 3 looked at the branch of a  tree and saw her being carried by Sebastian. "Such amazing skills. It certainly fits the qualities needed for a servant of my household" she spoke. "But attempting to murder me is a big mistake , Sebastian make sure that they get what they deserve. Just make sure you leave a little life for them to serve us" (y/n) commanded.

The butler placed his mistress on the ground and bowed.

"Yes , my lady".

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