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"Are you sure this is a good idea grandmother ? Leaving our family alone with that murderer !?" Asked Edgar. He and his grandmother , Francis , are headed to the hospital where Ho-chien is confined.  "Why are we even doing this ? There is no concrete proof that she's telling the truth ! It just sounds like some made up fictional story book !!" Edgar exclaimed.

"I know it is ... But something in me tells me to go see Ho-chien. He knows the truth" Francis responded.

"Wow , Grandmother" Edgar clapped mockingly. "Now we're going to ask a crazy merchant just got beaten up by the same girl who killed the king !".

"We are living in a crazy world afterall , Edgar" Francis replied. Their ride to the hospital then became silent.

Upon arriving there , they head to the private ward where Ho-chien is. Edgar knocked on the door waiting for Ho-chien to speak.

"Come in" they heard his voice and headed inside.

"Ho-chien , my God what had happened to you !" Gasped Francis. "I never thought it was this worse" she said.

"Not the greeting I was expecting , Lady Francis" Ho-chien said with a chuckle. Half his body was wrapped in bandages. He wore a cast for his broken arm , a neck brace. But one   injury stood out , his left eye was no longer there. "So , what brings you two fine people to come visit me today ?".

"Ho-chien , we want to know-".

"Ahhh.... Same as the person from before , (Y/n)'s location ?" Ho-chien interrupted Edgar's words.

"What ? No".

"Then what is it then ?" Asked Ho-chien raising a brow. "Hmm... Let me guess, it's about whether (Y/n) is telling the truth or not then ?".

"Correct" said Francis. "Ho-chien we want to know the truth , was (Y/n) with you that night. When the King died ? Was she the one who did this to you ? Was she innocent all this time ?" She asked.

From a cheeky smile , turned into a serious expression. Ho-chien looked at his two visitors. "So (Y/n) has made contact with you two then... If I tell you , will you believe in my words ?".

Francis and Edgar looked each other at first. Francis instantly agrees , Edgar on the other hand was hesitant on this. "Remember Edgar ... It's a crazy world..." Francis said to him.

"Right..." Edgar muttered. He sighed and said , "Alright... Tell us everything you know..."


"Lalalalala ...." Cicinta hummed happily who was impersonating as Amanda. She was pouring gasoline around the floor of the living room in the house.

"W-where is (Y/n) ?" Amanda asked in a weak tone. "W-where did you take her ?". She and her daughter Alice were still tied up.

"M-mommy ... W-what is she doing ?" Alice asked , her voice full of fear.

"Oh sweetie pie" Cicinta was the one who replied. "I am going to use your mommy's face and frame her for burning down the mansion . Along with killing you and your family" she said happily.

"B-burn ? M-mommy ... I-I'm scared !!! W-where's d-daddy ? E-Emily ? G-grandma ? Edgar ?" Alice began to cry.

"Alice ... I-I'm sorry ..." Amanda said. She then turned her attention to Cicinta. "Please , spare us ! You already took (Y/n) ! Isn't this enough ?! Leave my family out of this ! I beg of you !" Amanda pleaded.

"Sorry -not !" Cicinta replied. "It's my master's orders ... To eliminate not only the King and the Phantomhive girl , but also ... Diminish the Midford family" Cicinta said darkly.

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