Chapter 35

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   The next morning, Hassan prepared breakfast for Amira and took it to her room since she refused to stay in the master bedroom. The door was locked and she wouldn't open it no matter how hard he knocked.

   "Amira please open the door. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday." He begged her.

   She ignored him and kept staring out of the window. She wasn't in the mood to talk or eat and she didn't know how long she would survive without food, but in the moment all she cared about was how Hassan mercilessly shattered her heart. She was in pain, great pain. If someone had ever told her Hassan would cheat on her, she would laugh in their face and tell them he wouldn't because of how in love with her he was.

   "Amira please if not for anything, open the door for the sake of our love."

   Amira chuckled bitterly. Love. She hated that word. How could one word as basic as love bring you so much happiness yet bring you pain? She shook her head and glanced at her phone. She had several messages from Zulaihat and Hasna but she wasn't willing to open them any time soon. She plugged her iphone 7 plus to the charger and took out the Xs max Hassan had gotten her from Australia. She deleted everything on it and slid the phone under the door. Hassan picked it up with a confused look.

   "Why are you giving me your phone?" he asked.

   "You can keep it, I don't want anything from you."

   "Amira I've apologized and I'll keep apologizing, please let go of whatever happened and let's start afresh."

   Amira chuckled again. "Afresh. Let's start afresh." She opened the door and saw Hassan standing in sweatpants and a tray of toasts and coffee in his hands. She shook her head, he even had the guts to freshen up and look nice while she cried all night.

     She brushed past him and went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water. He placed the tray on the dining table and held her hand.

   "Don't be like this." he whined.

   Amira pushed his hand away and dropped the glass in the sink. She walked back to her room and locked the door behind her. She picked up her phone and opened her Instagram account. When she did, the first thing she saw was a sponsored post from vistasofhope.

   The situation you are in is not the final chapter of your life. Breathe.

   As relatable as that was, she scrolled past it and checked her wedding hashtag. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at all the beautiful pictures and videos of them. She knew she would get to the part she was dreading the most but she didn't stop scrolling anyway.

Linda Ikeji's Blog

   Teenager who was throwing tantrums at the airport some time last year finally gets married to her knight in shiny armour who turned out to be her nightmare.

Bella Naija Weddings

   Beautiful pictures from the just concluded wedding ceremony of Hasra2019.


   After spending millions on the wedding, the marriage still didn't work out. Kings, don't get married. Just have a few girls that'll spread their legs for you.

   There were a lot of harsh comments under the posts that made Amira cry.

   User1: So after all they've been through, he still cheated. Men are scum. I blame the girl though, she was definitely giving him too much attention. I mean who wouldn't cheat after the tantrums she threw at the airport?

   User2: Rich people's problem.

   User3: It's good for this girl. What is she even looking for in a marriage? Go back to school sis.

   User4: True, just leave the marriage because if he starts beating you we won't be there.

   User5: Guys don't be mean, she must be going through a lot right now. Y'all are just hating you wouldn't be able to afford such a big wedding. Is it her fault your fathers are broke?

   Amira closed her Instagram and pressed play on her heartbreak playlist. After hours of listening to sad songs, she finally fell asleep. Her dreams were haunted with Hassan's beautiful face and all the good times they spent together. She woke up at dawn to pray before going into the kitchen to eat something. She was sad and in pain but it didn't stop her from eating. If she didn't eat, how would she get the strength to cry?

   She washed some tomatoes and peppers and blended them, then cooked enough jollof rice that would be enough for her until night. When the food was ready, she put it in a big food flask and carried a plate and spoon. She took them into her room and came back to get water when she saw Hassan in the kitchen.

   "Good morning, sleep well?" he asked as he helped himself to some water.

   She ignored him and took out two big bottles of water and a glass.

   "The kitchen smells nice. Where's my food?" He smiled.

   She glared at him and walked off into her room before locking the door behind her again. She had even put three chicken wings and three thighs in her food flask. She helped herself to some food and ate while she watched funny videos on Instagram.

   Hassan on the other hand opened the pot to find it empty. He checked the food flasks but they were all empty. So she had cooked for herself alone, he thought to himself. He understood her pain but sooner or later, she had to forgive him. He would do everything he could to win her trust back.

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