Chapter 36

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   With a pounding pain in her head, Amira got up to return the dirty flask and plate she used in eating. She washed them and kept them in their respective racks, then made a smoothie from the fruits she saw in the fridge. She didn't care that she was really angry at Hassan, she would eat whatever she found in the house and when they were finished, he'd have no other choice but to buy some more.

   She sat on the island counter and sipped on her smoothie slowly while watching a Chinese series on YouTube. Hassan came into the kitchen to get a glass of water and was shocked to see Amira sitting on the counter.

   "Amira." he called softly, walking towards her. She ignored him and kept on watching her series. He sighed and stood in front of her.

   "Amira please. I can't live this way. Talk to me, don't be so cold. We all make mistakes Amira, nobody is perfect."

   "There are certain mistakes that aren't just mistakes Hassan. If you were intoxicated, I would have understood but you weren't."

   "I'm sorry. I know I have hurt you badly and you don't want to talk to me. Even though you don't forgive me now, don't ignore me like this. It is hard for me to be in the same house as you and not talk to you or touch you. I've missed how we used to be. Please don't let this one mistake ruin our love life forever."

   Amira shook her head and dropped the empty glass down, then paused the series she was watching. "Hassan we do not have a love life. I don't even feel a tinge of love for you anymore. You've really hurt me and it'll be safe to say I hate you Hassan. You're not worthy of me."

   He held her palms in his and looked straight into her eyes. "You're just angry at me and gradually, you'll stop being angry. You do not hate me Amira, all I see in your eyes is hurt. You're hurt because you love me. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't feel this way."

   Amira looked away and freed her hands from his, then picked up her phone. "Excuse me."

   She pushed him aside and went back into her room, locking the door behind her. The moment she locked the door, she collapsed on the floor and started sobbing. He was right, she loved him but was blinded by her pain. She wasn't ready to let go of what he did because the image was painted in her head. She could still hear the annoying voice of Alicia asking how her lingerie looked. Her wedding was going perfectly just as she had dreamed it will be, but in a flash everything was ruined. She probably wasn't destined to have a happily ever after with Hassan. She wiped the tears from her face and got up.

   "Who would even play that video on my wedding? The person could've at least told me in private instead of showing it to the world." she murmured.

   Sighing, she went to the living room to meet Hassan. He was sprawled on the couch deep in thought that he didn't even notice Amira standing beside him.

   "What's on your mind?" she asked and he squinted before sitting up.

   "A lot." he said flatly.

   She nodded and sat on the adjacent couch. "I'm all ears."

   He stared at her for a long while before speaking. "I'm sorry about everything."

   "Why did you do it?"

   "I don't know. I hadn't been with a woman since we met and trust me, it's hard. Staying a year without sex wasn't as easy as I thought it'd be and when she showed up in that lingerie, I lost it. She had been giving me signs but I always laughed it off and declined her advances, but that day, I don't know, it just happened. I didn't even know about the video until our engagement. I didn't tell you this, but she's back in Nigeria. Some weeks to our wedding, she showed up and told me she was pregnant. I knew she couldn't be because I pulled out so I forced her to the hospital to have a paternity test done. When it came out negative, I got her arrested and asked the officers not to grant her bail under any circumstance which got me thinking. How then did anyone find out about us? She must've somehow gotten someone to leak the video on our engagement as revenge. I'm sorry Amira, I know you don't want to have anything to do with me at the moment but please give me time. I'll make everything right again."

   "You do know premarital sex is a sin right? If I could keep myself for my husband, why couldn't you do the same? I don't mind the multiple sex you had before we met but you should've stopped after we got together. You know how much I loved you and all the attention I gave to you. I had a lot of guys asking me out but I declined all of them because of you. No matter how flattering it was that a lot of guys wanted me, I didn't let it get into my head. You're a very attractive person Hassan, and rich too. Which girl wouldn't want you? I thought you'd be able to resist the temptations. Each time I think of how you hurt me, I can't help but cry. I don't know why I cry, it's probably because I used to love you a lot and thought of you as the perfect match. You were too good to be true, but it's fine. I've learnt not to trust anyone ever again."

   "I'm sorry Amira. I'll keep saying sorry until you forgive me and don't you worry, I'll win back your trust."

   "You don't get it Hassan, trust is like glass. Once broken, it can never be fixed and no matter how much you try to fix the pieces, you can still see the cracks." With that, she got up and left to her room.

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