Chapter 12

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Ri Hyo's P.O.V.

"How did this even happen?" He asked and I scoffed, "You or Jimin never told me which company you were at."

"Neither did you!" He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes, "You never asked Yoongi."

He stayed quiet and shrugged, "I guess we'll just have to keep it a secret."

"For how long?" I asked and he sighed, "That's the thing..."

"What?" I asked.

"When I signed my contract, it said no dating," He said calmly and my eyes widened, "Break up with me right now."

He abruptly stood up, "What?"

"Break up with me," I repeated and he shook his head, "I'm not going to do that."

"Why not?"

"Because I love you and I'm not going to lose you," He deadpanned while looking into my eyes and I looked away, "What if we get caught?"

"I won't let it happen."

Time skip an hour

"Yoongi hyung! Noona!"

Yoongi and I quickly separated from each other as we heard a voice and footsteps just outside the door. The door opened revealing Jungkook, his cheeks were slightly red and he was looking at the ground, "T-They're calling f-for you and Noona, Hyung."

"What's wrong with you Jungkookie?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook quickly shook his head, "N-Nothing."

He looked up and quickly glanced at me before running out of the room. I scrunched up my nose and looked towards Yoongi, "Something's definitely wrong with him."

"Namjoon probably told him we were doing something dirty since it's been a while," He said while standing up making me blush, "Umm, didn't Jungkook say that they were calling us?"

Without waiting for Yoongi's answer, I walked out of the studio and towards the room I was in before. Sejin was talking to Wonho, Youngmi, and a few members of BTS so I went and stood next to Jimin.

"Did Hyung show you the demo?" He asked and I nodded, "I'm proud of you Jiminie!"

He blushed and I laughed before continuing, "You sounded so good too, I bet all the girls are going to fall for you."

He smiled, "Thank you Noona!"

"Parks! Over here."

Jimin and I looked up to see everyone standing and looking at us. I huffed and looped my arm into Jimin's before walking towards everyone else. Sejin started talking and I paid attention nodded every once in a while but also glancing at Yoongi from the corner of my eye. Will we really be able to keep our relationship a secret? I mean, we work at the same place and so does my brother. This is going to be tough. I let out a little sigh but then got snapped back to reality when Youngmi nudged me.

My eyes slightly widened and she covered for me, "We're going on tour with them huh? It's going to feel good finally going back to work again!"

"Oh yeah definitely! We'll do our best!" I smiled and Sejun nodded satisfied, "Because you have to take care of makeup, hair, and outfits, I divided the boys between you two girls."

Please don't tell me I have Yoongi. Please don't tell me I have Yoongi. Please don't tell me I ha-

"Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin are with Ri Hyo while Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook are with Youngmi," Sejun then explained all the details to the boys since it was their first time. Youngmi nudged me again, "You have one more than I do, are you sure you're going to be able to do it?"

I smirked, "Of course."

"You're unbelievable," She laughed and walked away to talk to another staff member. Hoseok walked up to me while the other three I was in charge of trailed behind him. He smiled, "Noona! I can't believe you're my makeup artist!"

"Neither can I Hobi, but I'm happy that I am!" I smiled back and I could see Yoongi's face stiffen a little bit. My mood sunk down a little bit but I put a smile back on my face when Jin spoke, "How long have you had experience?"

"I think it's been about three years now?" I looked at Youngmi before looking back at Jin, "But I've always been into fashion and things like that."

"Oh really? That's cool!"

"Why are you taking so much interest in her Hyung? She's just a makeup artist," Yoongi spat and I slightly froze, "U-Uhh, excuse me."

I looked down as I walked out of the room. What happened to you Yoongi?

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