Chapter 15

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Ri Hyo's P.O.V.

It was the following day, and it was even more tiring than the last. Trying to get seven grumpy teenagers into a van at 5 in the morning? I didn't fucking sign up for this. Well, I kind of did.

I rubbed my temples when I saw two of the boys still sleeping, "Yah! Get up. You can sleep on the way there."

They rubbed their eyes as I handed them a mask and went outside to check on everyone else. Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon were already in the van. Yoongi was standing outside of the van with Jimin, while I was trying to get the youngest two up.

I let out a sigh of relief seeing Taehyung and Jungkook come out of the dorms. I made sure everyone was in the van before closing the doors and turning to Wonho, "Why can't you wake them up?"

"I'm a guy. They'll tackle me. You're a girl, they can't touch you," He shrugged and I raised an eyebrow, "Lee Hoseok, are you implying that I'm weak?"


I glared at him, and he cowered behind Youngmi who was laughing her ass off, "This is so funny."

"How?" I asked amused, and she pointed at Wonho, "He literally looks like he can beat Hulk into a pulp, but he's scared of you."

I let out a laugh, "That is pretty funny."

"Yah Park Ri Hyo!"

"Shut up Wonho."

"No, you."

"I'm not doing this."

"You are though."

"Damnit Wonho, go ask Sejin if you have any work."

"Okay, Mom."

I rubbed my temples, and Younmgi raised an eyebrow, "Wow, you two are really close."

"Sadly," I started before sighing, "I got stuck with him when he moved next door back when we were younger."

Youngmi laughed before we got into the van and headed to another interview they had. Once we got there, Youngmi and I went to our assigned boys and checked their makeup for the last time. They headed to their seats, and I listened while scrolling through my phone.

"Are any of you dating?" I looked up and blinked. They all shook their heads except Yoongi who nodded, "I am."

What the fu-

"I'm dating my pillow," He joked, and I let out a sigh before mumbling, "That fucking idiot scared me."

After their interview was done, I handed each of the boys a water bottle. Okay, maybe I threw one at Yoongi, but that's not the point. We headed back to Big(s)Hit and made some final touches for the variety show wardrobe as the boys practiced. I headed to the restroom and was about to walk in until I got dragged into a dark closet.

"Hey." The lights flickered on revealing a figure.

"What the fuck, warn me next time you want to go all 'serial killer' on me please," I breathed out, and he laughed before pecking my lips, "The date's tonight."

"Hmm," I hummed, and he kissed me longer, his arms wrapping around my waist pulling me close as mine were around his neck. I pulled away, "Shouldn't you be practicing right now?"

"We have our break," He kissed my forehead and rested his chin on my shoulder. I sighed as we stood still while hugging each other.

"Do you know where Noona went?" I heard Jimin ask and I gulped. Another voice answered, "I think she's in the restroom."

Please don't say you'll wait for me, please don't say you'll wait for me, plea-

"Ahh okay, I'll just talk to her when we get home," Jimin said, and I let out a little sigh of relief once I heard his footsteps fade away. Yoongi pulled away from the hug and patted my hair down, "You go out first, I can make up an excuse on why I'm here."

I nodded and kissed him sweetly before carefully heading out of the closet. I looked around before actually heading to the bathroom and doing my business. After I was done, I left the bathroom and back into the room where everyone else was.

Youngmi wasn't there, so I frowned and started packing up the clothes myself. Wonho came over once he saw I was alone and helped me pack everything up then put them away for next week.

Jimin came over and held my bag, "Ready to go home Noona?"

"Actually, she's coming over to mine today."

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