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the charge through the forest and the titan running behind you continued. your heart was beating out of your chest, an unsettling feeling at the pit of your stomach. you refused to let this be the end of you. 

the titan had caught up with you and could perhaps easily destroy the formation that you and the rest of your father's squad was in. you felt numb, all you could focus on was what lied before you. the beating of your heart rang in your ears, your eyes too wet to be able to see properly. but you had already told your father that you had trusted him and his squad; there would be no backing down now. 

"father, its catching up!" 

"patience (y/n)" your father said. just as he said that something out of the corner of your eye caught you attention. 

"no way" you said. 

people were on the ground, ready to blast arrows into the titan as it ran by. it was almost on cue, your uncle cried out a "fire!" and the titan was stopped in its tracks. 

everyone looked in disbelief. was the team bait? 

"eld, you're in charge of the team. lead them out of the forest" your father said as he jumped up from his horse and the 6 of you kept your pace, you and eren still the center of the formation. 

"told you to have faith in us" oluo smirked. 

the formation had managed to create a good amount of space between yourselves and the female titan. you all had decided to stop and take a breather.

"that was insane" eren turned to you and pulled you in for a hug, "we are alive" 

"and you have cooties?" you looked at him. he gave you a weird look before you started laughing, "i'm joking eren. and yes we are alive and i am very much thankful for that" 

"it's because of heichou," eld said, "he and his crazy plans that he tells no one about until the very last second possible" 

"what are we going to do from here?" petra asked as she pet her horse. 

"beats me, maybe they'll light up a flare" gunther suggested. 

the mood was calm, a contrast to the dangers around the forrest. the entire forrest was surrounded with titans. escaping now would be quite dangerous. 

just as you let yourself relax into eren, a roar was heard in the distance and the rumbling of feet entered the forrest. 

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