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leaving eren's room, you walked back to your quarters with the intent of freshening up. you strolled down the quiet corridor, knowing that everyone was still caught up at some debriefing or simply on break. when you turned the doorknob to your dorm, you didn't expect to see your father, sitting on the chair across from you, his legs and arms crossed, with disgust laced on his face. 

what was he angry about this time? 

"hello?" you asked, nervous for the scolding that would come soon, although you didn't know what you had done in order to get scolded. 

"don't hello me." 

"then how do you want me to greet you?" 

"oh i don't know," he started off, "maybe you can start by telling me why the hell you were in jaegar's bed." 

and there was it was. you knew that your father wasn't stupid, he was actually the 180 opposite of stupid, but you were sure to be careful. you made sure that it would be during times that he would be done with meetings and debriefing the other soldiers. 

you stood silently at the doorframe and you swore you could see steam coming out of his ears. the man was pissed, to say the least. you struggled to find the words, thinking a good excuse as to why you would be in his bed. 

"the pillow was really uncomfortable and i was really sleepy so i opted to sleep in his bed?" you internally cringed at your answer. how the hell was he going to take you seriously? 

"then why didn't you just come to your room?" 

"because..." you struggled to find words again. 

"forget it. you're grounded." 

"but dad-" 

"no buts. expect stable cleaning when we get back." 

you groaned internally at your father's punishment and went on with washing your face.


you sat down in a cart with your father, your aunt, pastor nick, armin, mikasa, and eren. mikasa sat across from you, staring daggers into you, and you fidgeted around in your seat. you felt uneasy. your gut feeling was telling you that something was horribly wrong. 

wall rose was breeched and you wanted to go out and fight. you knew that the rest of the cadets were stowed away somewhere within the countryside of wall rose, most likely with no gear and no supplies on hand. what if the titans invaded the countryside? 

your father sensed your uneasiness and put his hand on your shoulder to help calm you down, which could only help so much. you were worried for your friends in the 104th and you wanted to see them as soon as possible. 

your aunt went on about how the church of the walls had already known of the titans in the wall. both you and eren got mad at the old man, but you sat still and stayed quiet. although if it weren't for your father, you would've knocked the pastor out of the cart and left him there. 

"you've known all this time and yet you never mentioned a single thing to any of the military brigades?" you asked. the pastor stayed silent. your father looked at you, eyes telling you to stand down and you slumped in your seat. 

"oi, hanji, what's up with that rock you keep playing around with?" your father asked. 

your aunt's head perked up and showed off the small object, "this? it's a fragment from the female titan's skin." 

your eyes lit up instantly and your aunt immediately handed it to you, probably out of her maternal instincts. you studied the fragment. it was hard, almost like a crystal. 

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