021 [hanji's pov]

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"it can't be" she gasped slightly, "moblit, are you sure you accounted for everyone?" 

"she's the only one who's missing, squad leader," moblit replied shakily, already knowing what her response would be. 

"this.." her voice trailed off, "i have to tell erwin"

she walked over to the tall blond, trying not to set off too many alarms when she saw that he was speaking with levi. was she supposed to tell levi of moblit's findings? she was conflicted. 

"erwin," she said. he turned around and quirked one eyebrow up, "i need to speak to you." she looked over at levi who was eyeing her oddly, "in private." she said as she tried to usher him away from levi. 

"what happened" erwin said. 

"we can't find [y/n]." she said quietly, trying not to draw too much attention to the both of them. a certain raven haired man would absolutely lose it if he was to find out. 

"are you sure?" he said, slight worry lacing his voice. she only nodded in response. "we have to go in and see for ourselves". 

she called for moblit and he came rushing in, her only words being, "do not let levi enter the forrest." before she and erwin took off. 

she used her maneuvering gear and frantically searched for her in the air. erwin on the other hand walked around the ground hoping to see the raven haired lady. dread began to set into her when she realized that she could not find any trace of her. not a single piece of gear, not her cape, nothing. 

she reconvened with erwin on the ground and her eyes began to well up. over the years of seeing countless deaths of her fellow comrades, she was convinced that she wouldn't cry anymore. but this was [y/n]. she had seen her grow up and had even considered her as a daughter, despite levi's words.  

"did you see anything?" she asked erwin, voice cracking slightly. 

he shook his head, "we still have a small portion of the woods left to explore. don't mourn for her yet" 

she knew that erwin was trying his best to stay hopeful. after all, he's the one that saved [y/n] from the underground. he felt as if her life was his responsibility, not just as a commander over his soldier but as an uncle to his niece. 

the search went on, this time they were both on the ground looking for her. she called out her name but with no response. they passed the bloodstained trees and the monstrous footprints from the female titan and eren. a sickly feeling began to sit in her stomach. 

she kept telling herself that it was okay. that she was still alive. who knows? maybe she was stuck in a tree and could not climb back down. 

but when she internally said that to herself, was when she saw the green cape. she immediately froze in her tracks as well as erwin. 

"this.. can't be" she said as she ran up to the cape. her worst fears being confirmed. 

her body was just hanging from the maneuvering gear on her hips. her blood was smeared all over her mouth and face, a gruesome sight. her eyes showed no emotion and her breathing was gone. 

hysteria set in for hanji. she could not stop the sobbing and screams that came out from her. erwin simply stood behind her in shock, trying his best to keep his composure. 

"help me get her out" hanji said as she began to unbuckle the maneuvering gear, erwin held her in his arms in a bridal position before setting her down. 

hanji began to administer cpr, but erwin knew that it was too late. they were too late. 

tears were streaming from her eyes and pushed her chest in the hopes of reviving her. 

"hanji.." he said. 

"no." she cut him off, "she is not weak. i can't have this" 

"hanji, come to your senses-"

"no!" she shouted at him. 

there was no point in trying to reason with her. he simply picked up [y/n] from the ground and away from hanji and held her in his arms one last time. 

"it's time to leave. the titans will be coming back soon and we don't have the resources to defend the survivors." he said as he began to walk away from hanji, who was sitting on the ground. 

without a second thought, she wiped the tears from her eyes and walked behind erwin, not ever looking back in the forrest. 

a/n: who's excited for season 4 of attack on titan and what are your thoughts on season 3? i'm personally really excited for it but really sad because its the last season :// i'll try to update more now that summer has started so thank you to those who have stuck around! 

yours truly, rosé

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