A Normal Day

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I was awakened by the sharp sound of my alarm clock. It was 7:30am and I had half an hour to get ready for school. Well you might be thinking why am I not preparing breakfast for the pack and doing what an omega is supposed to do that is the cleaning stuff and all but to be clear I am not an omega.

I am a beta's daughter and I have right to live like one. Well my poor excuse of a pack doesn't think like that. They believe that I am the one who killed my own parents. Stupid isn't it? well I and my wolf, 'Beth' think that but the problem is only we think that. Even my brother Keren thinks that I killed them.

They all say I killed the people I loved more than myself.

At first I was devastated and had no one to comfort me at my side but soon I realised I have to be strong. After so many weeks and months of weeping one day I decided to go to school again and complete my studies.

My parents died saving me from that bloody rouge I can't let their efforts go in vain I have to work upon myself be a better person and not let these people, whom I once called my brother and friends destroy me.

I am stronger than that.

I wore a black ripped jeans and a marron baggy sweatshirt. At first I didn't had any good clothes nor I had any money cause my brother snatched everything away from me all I had was a small diamond necklace that was given to me by my parents on my 10th birthday.

It was in a heart shape. Inside the pendant was a photo of me and my parents along with my brother who once happened to love me like a real protective brother.
Just next to the photo was carved " stay strong honey and always remember that Mom and dad loves you " . The necklace was the only source of motivation and courage I had and those words carved in it were enough to rejuvenate me.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when my alarm rung again indicating that it was 8:00am. Time for school.

I went down from my closet sized room to the grand living room of the hell hole which people call pack house. As soon as I reached there I was pinned against the wall by my brother Keren he held my wrist with one hand and my neck with the other.

My wrist was fractured due to the pressure and I am sure his hand on my neck will leave a mark. But I denied to show any signs of submission. This enraged him even more and he kicked me in the stomach he kicked and punched me everywhere until he was satisfied and then said " I will stop beating you when you will stop acting like a bitch and start being a slave".

Well this was something extremely common everyday one of the pack members would come and insult and beat me infront of everyone. They wanted me to submit to them but I won't ,my wolf won't. They think that I am a weakling but I am not I have been training and fighting secretly after my parents death and me being a beta blood is the cherry on top.

And I will anytime prefer being beaten and increasing my tolerance power than summiting to them.

I have a surprisingly fast healing and so it took only about a couple of minutes for me to heal. I sprung back on my legs, smirked a little and walked out of the pack house towards the school like nothing happened. I also earned a few words of honour like 'what an arrogant bitch' from most of the pack members who were standing there watching the whole show.

As I reached the school, I ran to my first class. After the school was over I went to the library and did my homework and studied for the mid term exam. Well I am not that big of a bookworm but if I try to study at pack house no one will let me do it and I also have to do my training so I prefer my school library for all the studying.

As soon as I was finished I started walking back to the pack house but to my utter dismay the pack bully ken and his minions started walking towards me. I tried to avoid them but all of a sudden they jumped at me and started beating me. Once they were done they went away and mumbled " that's what you get for not showing respect ".

Beth my wolf was furious and she wanted to kill them all but I said " just 6 months Beth and we will be free".

I have decided to run away from this pack as soon as I graduate I will find a nice job and live like I always wanted to. To be a free and independent soul.

I have been getting some response on my e-novel 'You will get it back' lately and i just want to let y'all know a bit about the writing.

I wrote the novel when i was much younger and immature with writing and naturally it would be full of errors, plot holes, hushed story line and grammatical mistakes.

I really apologise for all the excess cringe and well and i am really grateful for the support and love on the book.

I will try my best to work on the editing of it.

Thanks for your patience and support!

Have a good read ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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