The Real Fear

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I and John have been searching for something which can help us in the war for past 2 hours and we are still clueless. The old man who had made the arrow was nowhere to be found.

"Dang it! I knew something was wrong with that man from the start. Do you remember when we showed him the arrow that Stella was tried to murder wi-"

Before John could finish a loud bang was heard from a few metres away. And I smelled a familiar scent and when the realisation stuck me I started running towards the source of that scent.

I mindlinked John to follow me and by his angry expression I guess that he has also sensed the smell.

It was not too difficult as that scent was of a human and we were standing infront of that  human in a few seconds.

"Y-y-y-o-ou!" The old ironsmith who was the very source of the scent said stammering. But the thing that really surprised me was that he took out a gun and pointed it on us.

"I-i know that you are a w-werewo-olf and these are the silver bullets back away or I'll shoot you" the guy stammered again.

The way he was holding the gun was awful I could laugh all day by just looking at his face. It looked like he can piss his pants any minute now.

I controlled the laugh and tackled the man down snatching the gun from that man and he started crying well yes he started crying.

So as he was too weak to be a threat and I am a really nice person I kneeled down to his level and said calmly." Look man, we are not here to hurt you I will leave you if you tell me everything you know".

And that's when the guy literally blabbered everything he knew even John had to stop him otherwise he would have even given us his passport details too or worse he would have started giving us his personal family history classes.

After that we went to the nearest sketch artist and made him make the sketch of the person that the ironsmith has mentioned.

"That was pretty easy" John said and I nodded at his comment but we were both proved wrong as a dozen of wolves jumped from the clearing snarling and barring their sharp canines at us.

I ran behind a tree and hid the sketch we had before they could reach it. I and John both shifted into our wolves as we jumped on the wolves growling a fierce growl. Tethys was expired for some action but a dozen were to much so I gave full control to Tethys, my wolf and John did the same with his wolf.

I dodged the wolf just on time before his sharp teeth could pierce my flesh and he fell on the ground with a loud thud without wasting any time I jumped on him in a clear snap I ripped his neck.

I kicked one more wolf and bit his hind leg. He cried in pain as blood oozed out of his legs making my snout paint red. I snapped his neck and he fell on the ground motionless.

More wolves started lunging on me and I took three more of them the same way.

I saw John has also killed about three wolves. Good! 8 wolves down four more left. I bit down on the stomach of one more rouge and then bit his ear ripping it off at the same time. At last I snapped his throat and he was lying lifeless on the ground.

I felt a strange pinch on my left leg as a rouge tried to punch me but failed. I brushed off the feeling and concentrated on my fight. I killed two more of them as I saw John taking down the last one.

But before we could start moving away a group of six rouges jumped on me taking me off guards. Before I could react they started tearing my flesh. I howled in pain as two of them dug their claws in my sides together.

But before they could kill me John jumped on them trying to rip them off me. Taking the advantage of their distraction I gathered all the power I had and stood on all fours with a jerk. Sending the pack of rouges flying back.

After that I and John took them all down one by one. But with the amount of energy I had I could have passed out any second so without wasting even a second I grabbed the sketch from behind the trees and ran towards the pack house with John.

We reached the pack house, shifted back and went inside the meeting room. I heard a gasp from Maya when I and John entered the room and I looked at myself in the mirror placed at the corner of the room.

Well I was definitely not the most handsome man after getting into such a vigorous fight and blood was dripping from my arms, legs and chest. Well they were already healing but I guess by how deep they are they'll take a whole two days to heal completely.

Before Maya could ask us what happened the door opened with a bang and I saw Stella and Alex standing on the other side.

Stella gasped when she saw my condition and came running towards me but before she could reach me black dots suddenly filled my vision and I fainted. I heard a few worried screams and felt someone lifting me up before I was completely lost in the darkness.


As we opened the office door with a bang I saw Maris but to my extreme displeasure he was covered in blood from top to bottom. A gasp escaped my mouth as I saw big bite marks all over his body.

I ran towards him but before I could reach him he passed out.

I felt as if my entire world has stopped. I knew that the wounds will heal completely within a few days but when he fainted I got really worried. It is werewolves to faint and when I saw Maris's body turning blue I realised that something is wrong.

Every fibre in my body froze as I realised that he has been poisoned! My wolf 'Beth' started whimpering and I screamed a painful scream when I realised that if the poison was too harmful it may even kill him.

I ran towards him and started shaking him but no response. John and Alex rushed forward and lifted him. We all ran to the hospital. This was the first time after the loss of my parents that I have felt fear. The fear of losing someone close. The fear of seeing someone slip away of your hold and not being able to do anything. THE REAL FEAR.

Hey guys thanks for reading. Please vote it means a lot and also the next update will be on 18 or 19th May 2019. Most probably till 18 may evening. Bye lots of love. Keep reading and voting.

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