Not a Real War

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I have now turned into a killing machine. All I can think of is blood and don't get me wrong it's not like I am going to kill just some random innocent people because that is the one thing I will never do.

But now I wanted blood, blood of those filthy rouges who didn't think twice before murdering my parents in cold blood. As I killed the rouges the same scene from 13 years back was playing in my mind.

My eyes were blood red with rage and I just kept on killing but only when a few rouges were left alive on the battlefield that I realised that this is not the real war.

Rouges don't fight for territory nor they fight in packs but I am sure these wolves are rouges otherwise I would have smelled it.

More I tried to solve the puzzle in my head it got more complicated and confusing.

So looked around myself to find only 30 rouges left who were fighting with our worriers.

"Maris, Alex, John and Maya it's urgent please come in Alex's office" I pleaded in the mindlink. By now all my anger was replaced with confusion.

"But what about the war Stella we have almost finished all the rouges" John mindliked.

"Our worriers will handle the rest of the rouges left. Please just come with me I'll explain everything". I said getting a little frustrated

I cut off the link leaving no space for arguments and ran towards Alpha's office.

Within a few seconds everyone else arrived as well. So without further delay I directly came to the topic.

"As I was fighting and only a few rouges were left I realised that why will these rouges want to fight with us like rouges don't move in packs neither they have any leader so it's not like all the rouges decided to just come and take me because they somehow know that I am moon goddess's daughter." I stopped for a second but continued again when everybody remained silent listening and thinking about what I said.

"Even today there was no leader except the gamma like aura emmiting dude who was knocked out by Maris. With all this I have concluded that they finally have a leader which is a good news for us" I said slightly smirking.

"Well okay.... But how is it a good news Stella" Maya asked a little bit confused.

"It is a good news because now we only have a single target. If we kill this stupid leader dude that means the rouges will have no leader or motive to fight for. They will apparently call off the fight and run off into the forests like the cowards they are. And it's not a good news but a very good news because now we have the chance to kill that bloody rouge leader who killed our mom and dad years ago. Finally I will be able to take my revenge". Alex beamed with a mixture of excitement, anger, determination and love as he explained the situation to Maya hence making it more clear to everyone.

"But how will we know where that rouge leader is or how can we get him to the battlefield"? This time it was John who asked.

"We can try to extract the I formation from that rouge we captured today". Maya spoke with a grim expression.

"Well I guess that should work but for backup I and John will try to investigate this situation on our level in the meantime Stella and Alex can try to extract the info from that rouge". Maris said in a i-will-manage tone.

"And Maya will manage the paperwork and all the formal tasks like contacting the vampires, witches and others to explain them the situation". I said looking towards Maya and Alex to which Maya replied with a don't worry I'll manage. and Alex replied with a I am fine with that.

We all headed towards our works which we just decided.

I cracked my knuckles and a wicked smile broke on my face as I proceeded towards the cells where that rouge was.

"Let's have some fun. It's been a long time since I had to extract some information" Alex said as the same sly smirk appeared on his face.

I just nodded with that sly smirk still plastered on my face and we both entered the cell. where the rouge was sitting.

He looked at us and smiled a nervous smile as if he was trying to show us that he was brave and fearless but the fear in his eyes were screaming and begging for us to let him go.

"You wanna go first"? Alex asked referring to the rouge.

"Nah! You try first, hope you'll give me a good show won't you big bro", I said with a sly smile.

By now that stupid rouge was sweating profusely.

"Sure lil sis afterall he works for that murderer". He said returning the same smile but he had enormous rage in his eyes.

He dragged a chair producing a screeching sound as he sat infront of the rouge throwing daggers his way.

"So let me tell you the rules first, it's really simple all you have to do is answer all my questions truthfully. If you lie you'll face the consequences and let me tell you I am really good at telling if someone is lying or not and also I can cross any limits to get my answers" Alex said in a deadly calm voice.

"What's your name" Alex started the interogation.

"D-david" the rouge whose name is David I guess, answered trembling with fear.

"Whome do you work for"?

This time we met with silence.

"I said whome do you work for"? Alex asked again getting a little impatient and a lot more angry.

Again silence.

"This is the last time I am asking without harming you, whome do you work for you filthy mutt"? Now Alex was really angry and I could feel his power radiating off him in waves.

This David rouge was stupid enough to stay silent this time too.

"Well ok as you wish pup" Alex said calmly taking out his silver.

Blood scene alert, don't read if you don't want to I have not mentioned anything important.

He dragged the silver dagger along his thighs and we both smirked with satisfaction as blood oozed out and David screamed with pain as silver burner his skin.

He grabbed a plucker kind of thing and started pulling out David's finger nails one by one he gave him a chance to speak before every nail he plucked out but David refused to answer.

Blood scene over .

It has already been 4 hours but that rouge has still not spoken a single word. After an hour even I joined Alex trying out every single means of torture possible.

But that bloody mutt won't answer. We even tried to get to his mate but he has not found one closing that option as well. So now David is not in the state to even speak a word and I and Alex have decided to try again tomorrow.

"Hmph...that was exhausting". I said with a sigh.

"No doubt it was. Let's see if Maris and John found anything". He replied and we headed towards his office.


Hey! I am so happy that I have got more than 700 votes, I love you guys for your support and love this is probably my first proper author's note and I am looking forward to write mor in the near future. keep reading. Lots of love.

Note: Next update will be on 15 / 05 / 19 .

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