Vacation 7

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The Grand Prank Part 1

(22nd October
Sunagakure no Sato,
In the Village)

The peaceful village of Sands was, contradictory to the popular thinking, was quiet a beautiful place. The bland village in the desert housed some beautiful places, that included Oasis, the dome shaped buildings and underground lakes were few of the places that people would love to visit when they visit this village.

And Comparing beauty of one village to the another would be quiet a hassle, I mean every village is based on the name of the said villages and according to its the village is quiet a beautiful place. For example The Village hidden in the leaves or Konoha is quiet a beautiful place and its beauty comes from the forests that surrounds the village. The Beauty of Suna comes from the sandy deserts that is surrounding the village and just like this the rest of the village except for the bloody Mist, and that is due to civil war that is.

Now talking about the village and comparing them to each other would not make much of a difference except for the fact that currently Suna is quite peaceful. On normal days the peace would be quiet welcome, but today, this was peace was something else. It was not peace, it was quiet in the village. As every Shinobi and Kunoichi were on alert, more than ever some were even looking left and right and one was even checking the earth for pit and holes, all because of the quiet.

Not just quiet.

It was very quiet.

Very Very Quiet.

Eerily quiet.

Sinisterly quiet.

And why was there so much quiet?

Well Yesterday, one child, more specifically Naruto Uzumaki, the Prankster from hell, the last Uzumaki, jinchurikki of the Nine Tailed Fox had issued a challenge of pranking the whole of the Shinobi Corps including the Kage, the Clans and the elders. 

Why was this challenge such a big deal?This challenge was a big deal because, if they failed to catch those -demon- children in less 30 minutes than the whole of the corps would be put in the training programme designed especially by the Kage. And his training method was known for being very strict and absurd, nothing compared to Konoha's Maito Guy's training regime but still quiet an absurd training regime. And none of them wanted to be a part of said training and so they were watching their every single move all the while trying to keep away from harm.

And what the said prankster was doing?

Nothing much except for playing tag with his partners in crime that included the Kazekage children, Maki and Matsuri were playing tag.


Well as innocent as one could get.

But unknown to them and every other Shinobi and Kunoichi, A shinobi -Geru-(AN: hey guys correct me if i am wrong about the name of the guy who is the reason that suna is stuck with naruto pranking them) was getting quiet agitated, he was looking for way to destroy those nuisance who are the reason that he got embarrassed in front of fellow shinobi and kunoichi including the Kage. Well not destroyed but you get the point he want revenge on the 6 little trouble makers in front of them.

But for that to happen he must have followers. And who are better than the shinobi who are getting quiet antsy at their current situation -which is because of him- maybe he should ask politely this time instead of trying to be all heroic (not the emphasis on heroic) and outspoken. So that he just did as explained his plan to a Jounin named Zondu(an OC, not from Marvel's GOTG). "Hey Zondu" he whispered quietly. Zondu sighed and looked at him with a scowl. "What is it this time, Geru?" he asked in the same low whisper."Why are we not capturing them now?" Geru asked"Because they haven't done anything right now." Zondu said as if it was obvious as Geru looked at him in terror and replied "So you are waiting for them to do something wrong to capture them." "Yes" "oh for the love of."

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