Return: Political Dilemma II

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Another chapter for the Naruto: DSK.


So here is the another chapter for Naruto:DSK and hope you will enjoy this is the second part which will mostly consist of the desicions that will be made for the future of Konohagakure, many of the choices that many in the council will be up against and any will be in favour off. The usual drama one encounter when they are in such positions. This chapter will mostly contain that and the desicions that will not only effect Naruto or Konoha in general but will also effect the Village of Sand or Suna as some may prefer. Which in turn may affect the whole ninja world.

Chapter : Political Dilemma 2

(Konohagakure no Sato
Council Chamber)

The council chamber were eerily quiet this time, there was too much silence and the tension in the room was enough that it could be cut down by a blunt strikes of knife. Most of the members of the council knew that if right now any of the members that are not elder or the Hokage open there mouth the whole room will go down in chaos with shouting and what not. So they were all calm waiting for someone to break the silence.

Another reason for the silence is the presence of Naruto Uzumaki, the Jinchuriki of Kyuubi no Kitsune, also known as by the Konoha Civilians as the demon itself or demon spawn, not like how Suna called him for the pranks, they said with full of hate and loathing, who was sitting a few distance in the back under the protection of the shinobi council and ANBU commander with a straight face or trying to make one, which resulted his innocent face looking as if he was trying to control the piss and waiting for the bell to ring so that he could run out and piss. If it wasn't for the reason that he was at a council meeting that they knew something happened which included him which could either come in their favour or into a total catastrophe. The previous week was for them was godsend, even if they miss the regular pranks which made their regular boring lives a bit entertaining they still miss the days when he was not here. And now he was here, here in the council chamber. Even if many of them don't want him to be here for way to many diffrent reason but still they can argue against the Hokage but they still can't go against what he is going to do. They hold some of the sway the final desicions still rests in the hands of the Kage.

They could still do things behind his back and in the shadows, but nobody should actually know what are they doing, if they did then its game over. But all of these things are for later time. Let's hold it up for another time.

So in short the didn't know what why the Uzumaki was here also, they don't want Naruto Uzumaki here.

"Greetings" The Hokage started "Honorable council members, it is with great pleasure that I tell you that the meeting in the Village Hidden in the Sands has been quite fruitful in several ways" the council members actually noticed emphasis on some of the and subtle glances made towards the Uzumaki and on some of them the feeling of dread settled with great pressure. They were actually hoping for something peaceful and normal but the action of Hokage actually made some of them internally groan.

Before a question could be asked Hiruzen started again "So these are some of the terms that has been laid out by the Kage of both the Villages and the first term was the rerouting of missions that has been coming from the Daimyo of the Land of Wind for which we will receive 10 percent of the total job cost." seeing no objection actually coming from the civilian side the kage tried to move further before he was interrupted by a sudden clap and voice from the sides of the elder, and Danzo Shimura stood up. Hiruzen sighed at Danzo's requirements for dramatic effects but no that old hawk has to show some flair even when he is retired he could have done it normally when he stopped for a moment, no it would have been better if didn't stood up at all, that old hawk can make any situation at least 20 times more troublesome than Naruto, no actually both of them are equally troublesome, if he got his claws on Naruto then Kami may have mercy on there souls, because handling both of them will be downright troublesome. Wait did he just regarded things, situation and person as troublesome. 'Kami I am turning into a Nara' he thought on second thought why did he still has him on the council. Oh yeah the old hawk is good at tactics and under-handed works also that guy is also a very powerful albeit former and injured shinobi and his most of work is done for the betterment of Konoha no matter how disturbing his methods are and that he doesn't have any evidence against him. Also he is rich. Being a shinobi pays you well.

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