Chapter 3

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And to anyone who may be wondering I do not have a set updating schedule. I update whenever I finish a chapter. So sometimes you could see multiple updates, one update a week, etc. I'll try to get a more steady updating flow for you guys though.



I turned around to face him with a very plastic smile. My eyes widened a little bit. I know I saw his picture but he looks vastly different. For one he no longer had his head of hair and his beard was smaller. He was tall and built too. He looked to have been well-groomed for someone sitting in holding. He smirked at me. "Princess, you sure have grown up huh?" He looked me up and down lustfully.

I blinked and realized that I was just standing there gawking at him for all of a minute. "Shut up," I glared trying to hide my embarrassment. "And stop calling me that."

"Still hate that nickname, PRINCESS?"

"Yes very much so. But that's not the point. If you want me representing you then you need to refer to me as Ms. Jackson."

"All business eh?" He took a seat at the table. He was smirking and I could just feel the cockiness and confidence oozing off of him. I rolled my eyes and sat across from him.

"Alright let's get down to business. I've already discussed some things with your brothers but I'm going to need your statement. So tell me what exactly happened."

"I got out of work around like three in the morning-"


"I own a club," he said. "I was in there all night and was on my way back to the crib when blue lights hit me. Dude said he stopped me because I ran a red light, which isn't true, and said my brake light was out. So I gave him my license and registration and waited for dude to get back. He said he smelled weed and asked me to step out. I hadn't smoke anything so I knew that was bull shit. Him and his partner searched the car and found a blunt and bag of cheap cocaine in my back seat."

"Okay nothing seems suspicious so far aside from the stop."

"Would braking my light be suspicious enough?"

"He broke your brake light?"

"Yeah, almost immediately after he took my registration. You think you can get me out of here?"

"That's why I'm here isn't it? I'm going to need the police report and information on these cops. What kind of car do you drive?"

"BMW coupe. Had my shit impounded."

"Okay I'll try to get it out later then. I'll keep your brothers in the loop on my progress. I'll have to go to a judge so we can speed up your date. If anything I can promise you a bail hearing and have you out on bond. If everything goes according to plan there should be no need for a trial. If I can prove everything you just told me is true then we may get out of this quickly."

"That'll be tough to prove," he said rubbing his beard. "You sure you got this?"

"Maybe you should've asked that before hiring me," I mumbled. I stood up out of my seat. "I'm not going to make any promises but I will try my hardest to bring you home at least."

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