Chapter 33

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"Put it back," I said in a threatening tone. 

"B-But I want it," Demetrius whined. I rolled my eyes and waved him on. Currently, we were grocery shopping. Demetrius wanted to eat out but that's all I ever did anymore and wanted something homecooked. That and I kind of wanted to cook for him. We went to my place and embarrassingly enough, most of what I had was bad. Shows just how little I cook. So after cleaning out the fridge and pantry of expired food we decided to come grocery shopping. I thought it would be cute and fun to shop together. WORST IDEA EVER! 

Demetrius was like a little kid. Picking up random shit and putting it in the buggy. Grabbing anything that was loaded with sugar and depicted with bright colors. He's worse than any of my nieces or nephews when I'd take them to the store. Even though I've grown fond of his childish ways I do admit that it gets tiring and I ask myself if it's worth the headache. Then he'd do something cute that would dissipate those doubts. 

"Meechie," I said trying not to curse him out. "If I remember correctly this is MY house that I'm shopping for. What the hell do you need Reese's cereal for? You don't even like the candy."

He shrugged. "Doesn't hurt to try it."

"So you can say exactly what I know you'll say? No. Put it back." 


"Demetrius Jayden Haynes put it the fuck back." He sucked his teeth and grumbled under his breath. He's nothing but a grown ass kid. "Wasting time by picking up all that unnecessary shit. Did you forget you have to work tonight? Fuck around and not be able to eat."

"I'm the boss. I can do as I please."

"Mhmm," I said inspecting what fruit to get. I'm thinking of making myself a fruit salad tomorrow for lunch. I admit my eating habits are horrible at best but I do try to have something healthy every once in a while. Demetrius grabbed a bowl of promising strawberries. The first helpful thing he's done on this trip. "Ooh! Those look good," I said examining the fresh fruit. "I can't wait to have them in my salad tomorrow."

"Nope," he said looking at the vegetables. "I'm eating those tonight."

"Seriously? You're planning on eating this entire bowl of strawberries tonight?"

He smirked at me. "Depends."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "On?"

"Which is sweeter," he glanced at my girl. I blushed and pushed him away. Why does he always have to do things like this in public? As I went to grab some onions I noticed a man at the end of the produce section. I don't know what made me look at him. It wasn't like he was that much of an eye candy. Maybe it's because he looked buff and his tattoos jumped to life. Or his shiny bald head. I looked at him for a second longer before returning to shopping. I'm just being weird as usual. 

After getting a majority of what I needed to stock up I decided it was time to leave. Demetrius was getting unbearable to be around. He left briefly to go use the bathroom while I quickly got rung up and paid for the groceries. He's always trying to pay for me and this was my only chance to buy it myself. I looked up and noticed the bald head guy was checking out too. He only had one thing and was gone quickly. I shrugged it off. Maybe it's just me. 

"Ass think you're slick," Demetrius said coming up to push the buggy. I smiled innocently at him. We put all the groceries up in the truck and got in. 

"I love this truck," I sighed. 

"I know," he chuckled. "Why don't you trade your car in for one?"

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