Chapter 15

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"How did I get myself into this?" I muttered as I tug on the clothes Rhianna brought me. She was already dressed in a black dress that stopped just above the knee, a leather jacket, and some heels. She gave me some fitted jeans that have a few holes in them and a brown sleeveless shirt with cheetah print heels.

"You look cute girl," Rhi said taking pictures.

"You're going to start paying me for my modeling services," I mugged her.

"The hell I am," she chuckled. "I'm still mad you lied to me. That man is fine as fuck."

"Mhmm," I said trying to ignore her.

"You know it's true. Stop trying to deny it. And I think you actually like him." I scuffed. "Laugh all you want but you know I'm right. Why else would you do things you don't normally do with him? The only person you're trying to convince is yourself sweetie."

"Not true," I said. "Demetrius is complicated so you have to pick your battles with him. That's all."

"Why are you going to dinner with his family then?"

"Well uh..." I mumbled. "I kind of agreed without realizing what I was agreeing to."

"Mhmm. I just call dibs on designing your wedding dress." I ignored her as we left out of the room. Demetrius had got a call and stayed downstairs. It was smart of him to invite Rhi because if he had let me come up here alone I would've moved so slow he'd leave without me. Although, I have a feeling that plan wouldn't work either. We came outside where Demetrius was still standing by the truck. Considering it took me a minimum of an hour to get ready it was kind of suspicious that he was still on the phone.

"Yeah keep me updated on their movements. Don't want to do anything rash." He looked up and noticed us coming towards him. "I'll call you back. Wow, look at the two most beautiful women I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

"Who were you on the phone with?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Jealous?" he smirked. "It's okay babe. I'm all yours tonight."

"In every way possible," Rhi sang while walking towards the truck.

"Shut up Rhi," I mugged her as my face heated up. "You were on the phone the entire time we were getting ready and I heard part-"

"Don't worry about it babe. Just some competition I've been dealing with."


"Girl can you come on? I'm hungry as hell and ready to eat."

"Fine," I muttered dropping the issue. Demetrius helped me in the truck before getting in himself. As we were driving I found myself getting nervous. I kept fidgeting in my seat and my hands started clamming up. I don't understand why out of nowhere I was so nervous about a dinner. What made matters worse was the fact Rhi and Demetrius seemed to have been bonding and it annoyed me to no end.

"We're here," he said parking across from this huge house. Not so big considering it is New York but looked fairly roomy. Demetrius got out first to help us both out. He smirked at me. "Scared?"

I narrowed my eyes and scuffed. "You wish. Nothing scares me. I'm a Jackson."

He chuckled. "For now." The hell is that supposed to mean?

"Oop. Yup definitely ship it," Rhi said walking across the street.

"Whatever," I felt my face heat up but tried ignoring it.

"Don't be nervous," Demetrius said walking beside me. "My parents are mostly cool."


"The rest is crazy," he chuckled.

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