Chapter 22

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"What's up people?" I walked in the room where my brothers and pops were meeting to discuss business. I was in a good mood because things were looking up for Essence and me. I think she's finally letting some of her guard down. Ever since that day a week ago we've been able to have real conversations. And the fact she's not going around saying she hates or dislikes me shows there's some improvement with us. "What's wrong with y'all?" Everyone had a mug on. 

"Nothing," pops grunted. 

"What'd you do?" I crossed my arms. If he's in a bad mood that means him and ma got into it again. And nine times out of ten he did something. He glared at me. 

"Fucked Jerica," he mumbled. 

"Seriously?" I sighed. Jerica was ma's best friend back in the day. They fell out bad when it came to my pops. She used to mess with pops long before ma moved in and started working for him. I don't know the whole story but I got a good idea. Jerica is the type to fight for a nigga regardless if he's hers or not. She turned on my mom after thinking they had something going on. After she quit the first time to avoid drama my pops had to beg and plead for her to come back as well as promise to cut her off for good. "Why the hell would you do that?"

He shrugged. "She was there."

I glared at him. "You keep this up and you're going to lose the ONE woman who's been there for you. Ma loves you a lot but if you keep disrespecting her and disregarding her feelings she's really going to leave."

He stiffened. "She won't."

"Yeah alright. Keep telling yourself that. What's wrong with y'all?" 

"Some girl claiming I got her pregnant," Bryson mumbled. "And Rhia ain't fucking with a nigga no more. Lot of shit on my mind that's all."

"That's what your hoe ass get." He glared at me. "We always told you either you're going to catch something or you're going to slip up. Looks like you slipped up."

"Whatever," he mumbled. 

"That's not what's bothering you though. You actually like Rhia and now she don't want you you're pissed. Just like pops. Dumb asses."

"You ain't too old for me to beat your ass," pops said.

"I'm just saying. Y'all niggas act like y'all scared to settle down. You can't hoe your whole life and expect anyone to wait on you."

"Who says settling down is any better? Ask your brother why he's pissed."

I looked at AJ who looked stressed. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," he muttered. "Crystal just pissing me off."


"Thinks I'm cheating," he mumbled. I looked at him crazy. AJ is a lot of things but a cheater isn't one. His chosen profession doesn't show it but he was raised in the church with his mom and grandmother. It may have not stuck but certain things he took seriously which was to never cheat. 

"Why would she think that?"

He sighed. "You remember Kayma right?"

"Just barely. She's that chick you were messing with before we left right?"

"Yeah. She's been calling me. Said...I'm the father of her son."

"You can't be serious. It's been almost eight years since y'all last hooked up. How do you even know the kid is yours?"

"Besides the fact he looks just like me? We did a DNA test. Positive."

"Damn," I shook my head. "So if she thinks your cheating my only guess is you haven't told her." He shook his head. "Well do it. It's not your fault you didn't know. Stop sneaking around and tell her the truth.

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