Chapter 17

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It's been two damn weeks since I left New York on business/personal matters. The timing couldn't have been any worse since my plan was just starting to work. It all happened so fast I ended up forgetting my phone and couldn't come back for it.

Right now I'm on my way to my people's house to catch up with them. Like always, everyone was at pops crib. "What up people?" I walked in.

"Oh you're back?" Mom came up to hug me. "I missed you baby."

"Missed you too ma."

"The next time you leave me with your tank head daddy I'm going to castrate you," she glared at me.

"Okay ma," I laughed.

"The runaway has returned," AJ came up to dap me. "Everything cool now?"

"Yeah it's straight. What about on y'all end?"

"Yeah everything's good."

"Oh dumb ass is back?" Crystal came down the stairs. "Welcome back dumb ass."

"Damn what I did?"

"What do you think? You left without saying ANYTHING to Essence asshole."

"I didn't have time. I told Bryson to tell her I had to leave for urgent business and forgot to bring my phone."

"No wonder," she rolled her eyes.

"What? Did something happen?" Everyone just kind of looked at each other. It was irritating. "Y'all gonna speak or what?"

"I'm just going to say I don't think she got your message bub," AJ said.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Well," Crystal said. "Considering she's dating someone else right now gives us reason-"

"The fuck do you mean she's dating someone else?" My hands clenched up into fists and my jaw ticked in anger.

"Well some dude stopped her from accidentally walking into traffic and asked her out. Some doctor she knows."

"Doctor? Dr. James?"

"Yeah that's it. How do you know him?"

"I'm going to kill somebody," I growled. I have no one to blame but myself for this one. For one, I trusted Bryson of all people to get in touch with her knowing he has the attention span of a toddler. I thought he'd have my back but this is Bryson. 

"Maybe it's for the best," AJ said. 


"Let's be honest Meech, yeah you like her but you haven't been completely honest with her either."

"What do you mean?" Crystal narrowed her eyes at us. "You lied to her?"

I hesitated. "When we were back in Atlanta she kind of went through something traumatic dealing with drug dealers. I figured it still bothered her when AJ mentioned she did everything imaginable to avoid cases like those no  matter how small and trivial. I thought she wouldn't give me a real chance if she knew I was apart of the family business."

"Really Meechie?" mom smacked the back of my head and glared at me. "That's not just being dishonest. That's blatant deceit. If you're trying to build a connection with that girl based off of a lie than there's no REAL connection."

"I just didn't want her canceling me out before giving me a chance ma."

"So you disregarded a rational fear of hers to trick her into liking you? What was supposed to happen when she found out after falling for you?" I was quiet because I didn't really thought about it. I guess I was so focused on making her mines I didn't stop to think of the repercussions of my lie. I was more worried about losing this chance than actually getting it. "Demetrius, if you felt the need to lie about who you are to her than is she really right for you?"

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