Chapter 23

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Three days. Three FUCKING DAYS. Three days since ma, Essence, Crystal and Rhi left. We used all of our connections to try and find them but we came up empty. We tracked Crystal and ma's accounts but none of them are spending any money. We even hacked into Essence and Rhi's accounts and they've been a bust too. We told Christian his mom is on vacation and he believed it. Even though Lee baby is a daddy's girl she's been kind of upset not to have her mom around. AJ has been losing his mind and you can start seeing the fear settle in. Pops is even getting anxious without ma around. None of them have their phones on so we can't track them that way. 

"There's no way they ghosted us this damn good," Bryson muttered. "No one's spending any money. How the fuck man?"

"They're not in the city," AJ said. "There's no way they got out of here without any finances. Where the hell did they go?"

I sighed and sat back. I'm getting worried. I thought we could've found them on our own but I guess we'll need more help on this. I pulled my phone out and called Andre. "Jackson," he answered. They even answer the same. 

"Yeah man this Demetrius," I rubbed my eyes. Everyone watched me. "I'm sorry to bother you but have you talked to Essence lately?"

"Couple days ago. Sent me a text saying she's been stressed and was going on a girl's trip or some shit. Took my wife with her big head ass."

"You know where they are?" I got happy hearing that. Andre is even more possessive than us so I know he keeps track of her. 

He paused. "Why? She didn't tell you?"

"No and she's with my mom and AJ's wife. We're all going crazy trying to find them but haven't found anything. Their phones are off and haven't been using any money."

He sighed. "That's why."

"Why what?"

"She took one of our private planes. She doesn't typically use them and asked for my black card. She's my baby sis so I just assumed her spoil ass didn't feel like spending her own money. And I know it's getting close to her anniversary so I just thought she needed time to herself." 

"Who's anniversary? Scratch that, we don't have time. Can you tell us where she went?"

"Hold up." The phone went dead silent for a long while. The seconds felt like hours. "Well our wives are leaving now but Kayla and the other girls she invited are staying for another couple of days from what I can gather. They're in the Bahamas right now. You need our plane?"

"Nah we got our own." I mouthed Bahamas and AJ immediately got everything set up. "Thanks man. I really owe you one."

"Meechie," he sounded serious. "I only told you this because I trust you. I trust you WITH her. I know you care about her and vice versa. She doesn't say it but I know she's got a lot going on. If she can open up to anybody, it's you. So please, take care of her."

"I am, will. I let her go before. I'm not letting her go EVER again."

"Some advice? She's not good with signals at all. Be straight up with her. Or you'll be waiting on her forever. All or nothing. Be easy."

"You too." I hung up and followed my peoples out. "We all set?"

"Yeah. Found the hotel she's in," AJ said. "They were smart enough to use one of her brothers' wives' name instead of their own. I'm going to take Christian and Lee to her mom and meet y'all at the plane."

"Iight." We showed each other love before going our separate ways. 

"You think," pops cleared his throat. "You think she'll come back?" He was talking about ma. 

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