Chapter 34

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"Ma!" I walked inside her new crib. After Thanksgiving, she officially moved out of my pops place. He tried fighting it but there wasn't much he could say or do to make her change her mind. I can tell it was a hard move for the both of them. They've lived together for over twenty years. That's a big change for them. But this is probably what they need. Space to figure out what to do next.

"Hey baby," she came out of the kitchen and hugged me. "How's Essence?"

"Good. Being a damn brat."

She chuckled. "And why is that?"

"Told her we'd be in Jersey until tomorrow and now she's pouting around her apartment," I chuckled. Big ass baby I swear. "Not that it matters. Her ass got some banquet shit to go to tonight. Not like she'll notice I'm gone."

"I'm glad you two are so connected," she smiled. "I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before."

I smiled. "Yeah. Because I don't even think I've been this happy for. She really is something different ma. Her innocence is captivating and she makes a nigga feel good just being around her. That's a good feeling to have."

"And I'm glad you found it. Tell Essence to drop by and see me sometime. I miss my girl."

"She was asking about you the other day. I think she misses you too ma."

"I'm going to call her so we can catch up."

"Do that. So, how are you holding up?"

"I'm good son. It was a hard move but I think it was for the best."

"Did you talk to pops?"

"He checks up on me every now and then but nothing pass that." I shook my head. I guess it's time to accept that my pops will never change. Love isn't enough to make him change. I want my parents to be together like any other kid would. But I want them to be happy as well. And sometimes, those two don't correspond to each other at all. I guess it's something I have to get used to. "So what's going on with your brothers?"

"AJ is trying to work through problems with his baby momma but she's making it difficult. I think he's going to try and get joint custody before fully taking the kid away from the only parent he knows. Dude just wants to get to know his son and let his son get to know him but Kayma is making it difficult."

"Hopefully they figure it out. If you don't have to get the courts involved then you shouldn't."

"That's what I'm saying. But Kayma is being difficult and with her track record she may not win against AJ in the court."

"So what about Bryson? Haven't heard much from him."

"Me neither. He's been kind of low key and to himself lately. Although, the other day he called and asked for restaurant recommendations."


I nodded. "Maybe it got through to him to chill out. Maybe he's actually trying to settle down although I doubt it's with Rhi."

"Why do you say that?"

"Essence talked to her and she said she hasn't been talking to Bryson at all. Maybe he found someone else he likes. If so, hopefully he won't fuck it up this time."

"I just want all of my baby's to be happy."

"Same to you ma. Alright I have to go and get ready. I'll talk to you later alright?"

"Okay. You guys be safe."

"Always." I headed to the door and opened it. I was surprised to see my pops standing there with flowers in his hand wearing a suit looking nervous and about to knock. I crossed my arms and smirked. "Finally came to your senses huh?"

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