Chapter 25

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After talking things out all the tension seemed to have melt away between Essence and I. I was relieved to know she was mostly over me lying to her and that the truth didn't break what we had going on. If anything I think it's helping us a lot to have no more secrets. "For someone who's hungry you sure are taking your sweet time getting ready," I said checking the time. She slept most of the day away so we're about to go get some food. 

"I'm almost ready. Don't rush me." She finally came out of the bathroom in a sundress. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her phone and purse. "Okay let's go." We walked out of the hotel room and headed down the hall. You could hear someone arguing not too far from us. As we got closer I could tell it was my parents.

"I'm sick and tired of this shit Adrian! I put my life on hold for you and you don't even appreciate it. You go out and do god knows what with all these women and I'm supposed to just accept that shit? I had a life! I had plans, dreams and aspirations. I'm over it! I'm done." I froze and let it all sink in. 

"You okay?" There was slight hesitation etched in her voice.

"I'm straight." I pressed the button and waited for the elevator. Essence looked at me the entire time. 

"You're lying," she said. "We just got right. Don't go lying right out the gate."

I sighed as we stepped on the elevator. She stood in front of me with a mug. "What do you want me to say?"

"How you feel jack ass."

I scuffed. "I don't know how to feel. I'm angry and happy I guess. I'm mad at the shit my pops put her through for no reason. Mad that it took so long. I'm happy she finally opened up about how she's been feeling."


"I guess I'm like my old man too. I didn't think she would leave either. Part of me didn't want her too. Those are my parents. I want them to be happy but I want them together too. I feel like she's going through all of this because of me. If I hadn't been born my pops wouldn't need a maid. She would've still been married and have her own kids, her own life. She could've went on to have the life she wanted and deserved."

"It's not your fault," she grabbed my face and made me look at her. "She may not have carried you but she raised you. I know Jess well enough to know she's more than happy to have been your mother. She doesn't regret the life she was able to have. There are aspects of her life she wished were different. Besides, if you weren't born, I don't think I would be here. My parents would have lost another child."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "What-"

"I'll tell you later. Talking about it is going to make me cry and I want to eat before that."

"Alright." The doors opened to the lobby. "Thanks princess. For listening."

"Anytime." I grabbed her hand and we walked off the elevator. "There's Crystal and Rhi." We headed their way. Crystal had her bags so I'm assuming she's leaving. "Going home with the kids now?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "Can't stay away from my baby for any longer. Thanks for taking this trip with me girl. I really appreciate it."

"No problem." They hugged before she moved to me. 

"Sorry about spilling the beans little bro. Was kind of drunk and pissed."

"Mhmm," I hugged her back. "I should fuck you up for that."

"Why? You guys obviously made up," she glanced at our conjoined hands.

I smacked my lips. "That's not the point. I was supposed to be the one to tell her."

"Doesn't matter. She knows now and y'all made up. Shouldn't matter who told her. You got what you wanted."

"Whatever nigga." I glanced at AJ and knew he had to have told her. They made it a point not to be near each other. I don't know how this'll affect them in the long run but hopefully it won't be that bad. "What about y'all?" It was hard to tell with Bryson and Rhia. How complicated their relationship is it's hard to tell what'll happen. 

"I'm staying. Not leaving my free vacation."

"Iight. Let's all go get something to eat then." We walked AJ and Crystal out to the car before heading to ours. I told Bryson what I overheard. "She sounded serious this time."

He shook his head. "That's foul."

"How? Pops put her through a lot of shit you know. I don't want it to happen but if it's necessary then she should go."

"Jess is supposed to be his rider. She can't leave because she's upset. That just proves she's not built for this life."

"Excuse me?" Rhia looked at him crazy. "You've got shit backwards. Being down for a nigga doesn't mean being stupid for him either."

"Just because shit is rough doesn't give you a reason to leave."

"You guys?" Essence hesitated. I shushed her to let them hash it out.

"It's not about things getting hard," she glared. "It's about the BLATANT disrespect. Your dad goes out almost every night and brings home some random ass fling. He knows she loves him but he does this shit to her all the time. Then he pouts when he doesn't get his way from her. A rider isn't someone who's supposed to hold a nigga down who doesn't want to be held down. A rider is someone who's there if the feds come knocking and she can step up as his backbone to make sure everything is straight when he comes home."

"A rider shouldn't leave when a nigga is going through shit either."

"Maybe if y'all niggas were more open about WHAT shit you're supposedly going through a rider doesn't have to leave. Did you stop to think that maybe this isn't what she wanted either? That maybe she would like to have that fairy tale ending as well? She built a life revolving around all three of you guys. She gave up everything for him to continue spitting in her face. She missed out on a lot for you and your father. It's not her fault she's tired of waiting on a nigga to see what she's been showing. Her heart is in serious pain right now. Do you think she wants to walk away from that? From her family? Stop looking at your father like he's a saint. Jess is not wrong in her decision to leave a toxic environment."

The ride was quiet after that. Bryson stared out the window the entire ride to the restaurant. Bryson had always been a bit closed off so I could never tell what he was thinking. We all knew the first couple of years he lived with his mom was tough since she's still on some other shit but he never talked about it so we could never talk about it. He was standoff-ish with pops and Jess especially in the beginning but eventually got right again. Mostly. I just hope things get better for the both of them. 

Shorter chapter for you all. Hope you enjoy.

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