Chapter 8

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It has been over a week since I last saw Demetrius. The last time we spoke was through a text he sent shortly after he paid me saying how our 'next' date would be harder for me to escape from. I told him there was no 'next' date since there wasn't a first. He didn't say anything after that and it's kind of got me wound up. It's like I'm expecting him to pop up out of the blue suddenly.

"So this is why you haven't answered my calls hoe?" I jumped at the sound of my friend, Rhianna's, voice. Rhianna was a big girl, like me, and owns it. She owns her own fashion line dedicated to plus sized women. She's currently in the market looking for a place to set up her first store. "Why the hell are stalking people on Facebook?"

"I'm not stalking anybody," I said quickly exiting out of the browser. "I was checking up on some old classmates."

"If I remember correctly you don't like Sasha so why-"

"Why are you here?" I said trying to change the subject.

She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously. "I can take a hint. Anyways, who's this man I'm told you were hugged up with?" Damn Erica.

"I wasn't hugged up with anybody. He just wouldn't let my hand go."

"That's not what I'm told."

"Your sister isn't always reliable you know."

"Oh you don't have to tell me bitch. I'll find out who he is." I have no doubt about that. Sometimes I wonder why she didn't become a reporter or FBI agent with how fast she can dig up stuff. "Anyways, let's go. We're going out."

"But I'm working," I whined.

"You stood me up last week but it ain't happening now. So let's go. I got an outfit I want you to wear."

I groaned but slid out of my chair and followed her. The day of the meeting with Watson was the same day I was supposed to go out with Rhi but dealing with the case and Trap kind of wiped me out so I cancelled on her. She cursed me out but understood I was just tired. I really just didn't want to go but I can't exactly say that.





"Girl your room is always a giant mess," I said picking up some fabric on the floor.

"It is and I'm not ashamed of my artistic craft. Wait here and I'll grab the outfit." She disappeared into her closet before emerging with two identical dresses. One a hot pink and the other a silver color. "You get pink."

"Ooh this is cute. I'm going to Erica's bathroom to get ready."

"Okay. But make sure you're finer than wine for the picture."

"You're so lucky I love free clothes or I would make you pay me for modeling this stuff." Erica aka Judge Healie is Rhianna's older sister. They both live together until Rhi can get a more steady income from her clothing line. After an hour I was dressed and ready to slay. I hate going out but I love dressing up.

"Yassss honey slay!" She recorded me as I walked towards her. "Strike a pose goddess!"

"Well of course," I said strutting my stuff. I began cat-walking in their living room and doing a number of poses. On the couch, at the table, wherever. "Alright that's enough," I laughed. "Your turn." Once we were done taking hundreds of pictures we both left for this club opening she heard about. "This line is long as hell," I said once we got out of the Uber.

"Of course it is. This is the grand opening of Trap House."

"Trap House? Who names a club that?"

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