Chapter 9

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"Just find out who the fuck shot up my club," I hissed to the head of my security. Shootings aren't a new thing to happen in clubs but one of the reasons I've been so successful is because I keep the risk down. I have a team of security that's supposed to deal with shit like this. I'm paying those niggas good money to keep that shit out of my place of business.

"I said I'm fine Rhi," Essence was on the phone with the friend she went to the club with I guess. "I fell going down the stairs. Think I sprained my ankle. I'm just going to get checked out by the doctor real fast. And yes, I will call you once I get back home okay? See you later."

"How's your friend?"

"Fine. A little shaken but she'll be okay."

"And you?" She was shaking like a leaf and hanging onto me for dear life. So no matter what she says I know she was beyond terrified.

"I'm-" the door opened and a tall nigga in a doctor's uniform came in. 

"Sorry to interrupt," he said. "I'm Doctor James. And you must be my patient." He smiled at her making me irritated. "We ran some tests and did an X-Ray. You just sprained your ankle so there's nothing to worry about so much. There will be swelling and some pain but you can just take an over the counter pain medication for it like Tylenol or Moltrin. Try not to walk too much in order for it to heal properly."

"I can't very much do that. I'm a lawyer."

"Of course well I'll let the nurses suit you up with a boot to give yourself more support while you're putting the criminals away."

She scuffed. "Right." 

"Aye man we done or what?" I said getting even more irritated with this conversation. I was losing my patience and wanted to knock this doctor's head off. Essence was mugging me the whole time I was giving this doctor attitude and I didn't give a damn. For a sprained ankle this nigga was taking mad long to let us the hell go. So once they gave her that boot shit I started wheeling her ass out of the building. 

"The doctor wasn't finish talking," she glared at me. 

"I was finished listening though."

She smacked her lips. "Thanks for bringing me or whatever but my friend is coming-"

"No she's not," I said snatching the phone out of her hand. "I'm taking you home and I don't want to hear shit else about it."

"I'm not telling you where I live Trap."

I chuckled. She really thinks I need her to tell me where she's staying? She's sorely mistaken. We got outside and near my car where she decides to act like a child. "Essence," I said while my jaw ticked. "Get in the car."

"You're not taking me home TRAP. If you think you can keep taking my cellphone to bully your way into my life than you have another thing coming. Keep it. It's nothing to get another one." Why the fuck is she so stubborn?

I leaned down to where we were eye level of her sitting in the wheelchair. "Get in the car."

She sat up straighter. "Make me." 

I smirked. "My pleasure." I picked her up quickly making her yell out. She tried pulling away but I was a lot stronger than she was. 

"Trap!" I pushed her against the car and pinned her against me. She glared at me. "Get off of me."

"Sorry princess," I smirked. "But you wanted to do things the hard way."

"I'll scream."

"I'll kiss you."

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