Chapter 12

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"I said I'm fine Andre," I rolled my eyes. He's been calling nonstop since he left Saturday checking on me.

"That sounds like traffic Essence. Why the hell aren't you in bed? I knew I should've hired that damn nurse."

"Oh my god. Andre my foot isn't swollen nor does it hurt anymore. I'm going to get a cup of coffee before going to the office."

"You need to sit down and rest."

"It was a sprain Andre. Not a break or fracture. I did what the doctor said and took the weekend off but I have a job and bills that need to be paid."

"I run a multi-millionaire company Es. I could pay your rent for thirty years with no hassel."

"And when have you heard the Jackson kids ever accepting handouts. I appreciate the offer but I'm going to work. I'm okay. Chill out and go to work." I got in line for the coffee. "Thanks for worrying but I really have to go."

"Yeah alright," he grumbled. "Stay out of trouble Es. I meant it. If I hear something else happened to you it won't be pretty."

"Yeah okay," I rolled my eyes. "Love you too jerk. Go do some work." I hung up with a sigh. Andre is the absolute worst worrier in the family. I know the only thing stopping my parents from coming to my immediate aid is the fact they're stuck on a cruise ship in the Bahama's but Andre can be a total helicopter parent.

I know it's mostly if not entirely because of what happened to Mickey. I know it's hard for me to go through life without my big sister but the affects of it seems to have stronger lasting effects than the rest of us. Even though he's mostly over it I know a part of him is petrified of losing another sister. Someone he's supposed to protect. Not saying Shawn and Jules don't act like helicopter parents because they do. But Andre is a thousand times worse than them. Especially when it comes to guys.

All of my brothers have their own little specialty when dealing with other men in my life. Shawn has always been kind of laid back and cool. If anything he's the easiest one to get along with. Even if he doesn't like you he tries to be cordial to say the least. Jules is the complete opposite. If he doesn't like you then he'll tell you straight up he doesn't like you. He doesn't sugar coat anything. Andre is a bit standoff-ish with all guys. He always gives off this kind of alpha vibe that makes things tense. Most people can't stand to be in the same room with him for too long. Which is still baffling how him and Demetrius got along.

"How can I help you today?" the young girl smiled at me as I got to the counter.

"Hi," I smiled. "Can I have a medium cup of coffee with cream and sugar? And a banana nut muffin."

"Okay your total will be $7.89."

I reached into my bag to grab my wallet when an outstretched hand passed the girl a card. "Add it with mines." I turned and rolled my eyes so hard they could've gotten stuck. Jermaine Watson. Of course I run into him here.

"Thanks," I muttered moving to the side. He ordered his stuff and stepped out of line with me. "Funny. I've been going here almost everyday. Never seen you here before."

"I decided to take a different route." I eyed him suspiciously. I just hope he isn't stalking me. "How have you been? You're no longer wearing the boot."

"I'm fine. Rested most of the weekend so the swelling is gone. Still going to take it easy."

"That's good." We got out things from the cashier.

"Thanks again. Next time I see you in court I'll pay you back. Unless you have cash app."

"No need. I just want to talk without you trying to rush away."

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