Chapter 20

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"You cannot be serious right now," I grumbled staring at the giant hickey Demetrius left for the entire world to see. I looked up ways to get rid of them but they did very little to help. I poked the hickey and hissed. That black fucker! I grabbed my phone and called him.

"I was just thinking about you princess," he answered. I could feel him smirking through the phone. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You black faced bitch!" I seethed. "Thanks to you I got this big ass hickey on my neck!"

"That was the point."

"Don't you get what the fuck you did? My family is coming and if they see this big ass hickey they're going to think Nick did it."


"And he's going to be there and he KNOWS he didn't give it to me. You just put me in a shit hole of a mess you fucker."

He chuckled. "Damn. Wish I could see how that one's going to end. Be sure to tell me everything that happens."

"Demetrius," I growled in warning.

"If it makes you feel any better I promise to call after my meeting. Or stop by and help you release some of that pent up anger."

My jaw dropped as my face began to heat up. "You asshole!" I choked. "I'm blocking you!"

"That won't stop me from coming by," he chuckled. I hung up and blocked his number. Stupid asshole.

I dug around my bathroom drawers looking for my make up. I rarely use it so I had plenty. I was able to conceal a vast majority of the hickey. I needed it as inconspicuous as possible. I then went to my closet and found a dress that would suffice in covering the rest of it. My brothers and parents are all in the city right now. They didn't plan to stay long so they're just here for lunch and an interrogation. I had no time to prepare for this or make arrangements to postpone it. The moment those guys told my parents I knew any objections would fall on deaf's ear. I was hoping that Nick's job would interfere when I asked him to go to lunch but unfortunately, he was free. So this meeting was definitely happening.

There was a knock on the door that surprised me. I hurried out of the bathroom and to it. Nick stood there with a smile and a hand full of flowers. "I wasn't sure about what your preference was so I hope you like it."

I smiled. "That's sweet. Thanks." I took the flowers and let him in. "I thought we were meeting at the restaurant?"

"I felt it would be better if I took you instead. I've been feeling bad about canceling our lunch last minute before."

"That's sweet." He's such a caring guy. Which sucks because I'm feeling like a complete ass for doing what I did with Demetrius. And feeling worse because I think I actually might want-

"So where are we going?" he asked. "You just said lunch but never told me where."

"Oh right! I was going to tell you when I was done dressed so we'd show up around the same time. It's this restaurant near the square my brother and I always go to. My people kind of found out about us and wants to meet." I was a bit embarrassed that even at twenty-five my parents and brothers find it necessary to meet any prospecting boyfriend of mines.

"O-Oh," he said looking a bit nervous. "I had no idea. Am I dressed appropriately?"

"Yeah you're fine. They just want to feel you out is all. I'm the baby so they tend to get a little overprotective."

"Understandable. I hope I make a good impression."

I smiled and nodded. Even though in the back of my mind I had this nagging feeling that it was not going to be a cake walk. Nick is going to have to work EXTRA hard to impress even one of my family members. He has a better chance of hitting the lottery every week than that happening. And strangely I'm okay with that. This day is going to be a complete disaster. I know it.

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