Prologue- The beginning: Can I become a hero?

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Aizawa wasn't sure why he spent two years looking after a kid. Why he got a two room apartment, why he them bought clothes, why he got them food, why he educated her at home, under his care. Perhaps it was because he felt some sort of moral obligation to look after a child no one else could.

When it came to childhoods, (Y/n) never had one. At least, not a real one. Sure, she was a kid and all, up until she was six years old. Unbeknownst to her, her father wasn't the hero he claimed to be. Quite the opposite, in fact, he was one of the most wanted villains in Japan at the time.

The Phantom had an arrest warrant and goose chase with pro heroes for a few years before he was finally captured, immobilized and secured. Nobody knew what happened to his only daughter for seven years, until they found a lost child on the street. She was identified, and had been in solitary confinement inside a basement by an unknown party the whole time. When they arrived at the location, it was empty but clear someone had left in a rush.

(Y/n) had been difficult for the system to deal with. She was thirteen when she was found, how much trouble could she be? If it weren't for her quirk, maybe not as much.

Living Voodoo Doll allowed (Y/n) to transfer any self inflicted injuries to someone else, along with the pain. She'd hurt herself with anything she could get her hands on.

Working as an underground pro hero, Aizawa wasn't far when he got called about the case. They figured his quirk, Erasure, was a perfect counter attack for this kid.

It helped solve her not harming others, but it didn't make her stop hurting herself. It took over a year to make those habits dormant.

When he realized how much of a burden this kid had to carry, Aizawa felt the need to help carry it with him. He always figured it was a parental instinct or something. Of course he had to think it through very carefully, he'd never make such an impulsive decision like that. But still, he couldn't find a very good reason.

Was there a need for one though?

The girl had issues, there was no denying it. Even with that burden, Aizawa couldn't remember a time where he regretted it.

It was almost two years later, since their first meeting, when (Y/n) asked him a question. One that Aizawa had been unprepared for, when he realized the big why.

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