i. How Will You Live In This World That Humans Manufactured?

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Artificial Enemy - Jin

UNLIKE IN THEIR afternoon classes, where their day started to get really exciting such as in basic hero training class, class 1-A wasn't very active in the morning. Likely because of how sleepy and bored they were at the time, but luckily Present Mic didn't have to try very hard to get their attention.

"Hey kids! This morning, we're getting a new transfer student!" He barely finished his sentence when suddenly the class began to chirp awake. Within ten second of the blond announcing that, there were already rumors and expectations within their not so subtle whispers.

"I bet she has a nice rack!"

"That greenhorn better learn their place right away!"

"They're probably an undercover assassin or something."

"Maybe that's why they weren't here the first couple days."

"I really want some soba right about now..."

"Hey hey hey, now quiet down! Don't want them to feel overwhelmed on their first day now, right?" asked Present Mic, despite having a habit of being a little louder than necessary at times.

The class settled, and Present Mic scribbled something on the whiteboard for English language. When he finished, he turned around and pointed to the clock on the wall and said,"According to my calculations... The student should be here in..." He paused. "Now!"

• • •

IT WAS OVERWHELMINGLY silent in (Y/n)'s room. The apartment apartment she stayed in was vacant, leaving her alone in the quiet. Reluctantly, the (h/c)nette opened her eyes, but not without hissing at the sunlight entering between the curtain.

She finally forced herself off her bed after a few minutes of resting her eyes, wishing she could go back to sleep but not regretting staying up playing Super Mario.

When (Y/n) checked the time on her phone, she blinked. Then again. Once more before reading it clearly.

8: 20.

Her class started was about to start in fivw minutes. "Shit!" she gasped and threw off her shorts and tank top. In a minute, (Y/n) had hurriedly put on what she needed to for school, going as fast as she could. When she realized her pants had been put on upside down, she started yelling and frantically trying to fix it.

Things only got more irritating when (Y/n) forgot to put on her chest binder, an item that helped conceal her chest, requiring her to take off her shirt again to do so.

After frantically brushing her teeth, making efforts to cover the visible dark circles, trying to look a little more masculine, and trying to sooth out her bed head, the (h/c)nette checked her backpack for her supplies and home-made lunch. Once everything was on the list, she darted for the door. Even if the short, neck length hair of hers still had a few hairs sticking out here and there.

I'll have to run the whole way since I don't have a bike lock yet, she thought. That means no distractions!

Despite (Y/n) warning herself about distractions, she couldn't help but notice a noodle shop opened with ramen and soba that, well, seemed like a pretty great price.

"Um, excuse me, uh, how much for Maruchan?" she asked, trying not to sound feeble she was so embarrassed.

"Three hundred and fifty yen," said the nice old lady.

Perfect! (Y/n) fished out her wallet and handed her the money, patiently waiting for her change. "Oh, can you microwave it here please? I don't have a lot of time," she requested, anxiously tapping her foot.

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