iv. The Other Part Of Me Fears You Might See My Heart Race

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Sunset Yesterday - Jin

"ALRIGHT, KID. HOW about we start off by you telling me your name," said Shouta, resting his chin on the back of a chair, facing that same feral girl from before. It was only the next day, but he felt pressured to start.

"Tch, you already know it! Why are you asking me!" she spat, desperately leaning forward on the chair she was restrained in. She pulled her wrists against the chains on her, tight enough that it would have gave her bruises. Temporarily, (Y/n) transferred that pain to Aizawa, until he used his quirk to erase it.

I can't keep doing this every time, he thought. It's not like he physically could either, the effect only lasted as long as he could keep his eyes open without blinking. Add that with him having dry and sleepy eyes, it wasn't a very foolproof plan.

Even when I erase her quirk, she doesn't stop trying to injure herself. The girl was still pulling at the chains, and she developed red, purple and blue spots around where she strained at.

"Hey hey hey kid, cut that out, I've already stopped you from using your quirk so it's useless." Aizawa leaned forward and grabbed her hands, only prompting her to thrash around harder.

"LET ME GO! DON'T TOUCH ME!" she demanded. Reluctantly, Aizawa complied. It seemed to work, but she wouldn't look at him anymore. "I have to pay," (Y/n) whispered, so quietly Aizawa almost didn't catch it.

Pay? What the hell does that mean?

"Did you. . ." Oh god, how do I speak to such an insane child. "Do. . . Something. . . That you'd have to pay for while you were down there?"

Aizawa waited. It wouldn't do any good to rush things. "Yes," she finally answered. "Hurt people."

Just people? His mind went to asassinations right away, if someone was behind her pulling the strings. What the fuck, this kid was like twelve, get out of here with assassinations shit.

But then again, it's not unreasonable with her quirk. He didn't know what happened in the past few years, and it seemed possible with the quirk she had. If she was telling the truth, that meant someone was behind all this, and Aizawa didn't know if he was qualified for it.

"Someone made you, didn't they?" he said. No answer. Perhaps he didn't say it with enough care, which wouldn't be surprising. What did surprise him was when she confirmed,"yes."

He might as well keep going, with a little nudge. "Do you remember who it was?" If he could get a real answer, he might be able to land something bigger than just this tiny wild child.

This time, no response. Aizawa hated to admit it, but he was a little disappointed.

The hair over her hanging head was still greasy and tangled up. He couldn't bare to see a kid in that condition, locked up like an animal, dry and filthy. Someone could have at least tried to deal with that. It went to show the lack of consideration she had been given while being passed around from criminal to authorities like a torch.

"I take you're not very comfortable, being all dirty and gross like that," said Aizawa, maybe a little too bluntly.

She growled in response, obviously taking offense to it. But still in a well, what the heck am I supposed to do about it? tone.

The noirnett decided to put his idea in place. "What do you say I get you cleaned up, and you tell me more about what happened?"

He still had to get it approved by the people in charge, but if they were monitored, secured and he still had his quirk working there wouldn't be a problem.

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