ii. You Must Know All About It, Seeing As You Were There

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"AIZAWA, WE NEED you here."

"On my way. Just tell me where."

Shota Aizawa found himself inside a waiting room, sitting impatiently in a chair, accompanied by an elderly woman. He had no idea why he was there, which only made him more irritated.

Finally, someone came down from the hallway. A man in a dark suit walked up to the tired pro-hero. "You're Aizawa Shota, correct?" the man asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Please, come with me."

Aizawa did so, hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. They made their way around the secretive facility, taking a few turns here and there. Aizawa was relieved when the man finally stopped in front of a door.

"As you know, the Phantom was been long gone for seven years now," the man explained as he opened up the door. The room was darker than he thought it would be when both Aizawa and he entered. The noirnette walked in, cautious while the other man looked for the light switch.

"It was a total mystery where his daughter, (Y/n) (L/n), had been, as a body had never been found and he never confessed. Until now."

Rays of light flashed as the light the light bulb on the ceiling was turned on. Restrained to a chair, a young girl began to scream in agony. The deafening shriek and unusual sight took Aizawa by surprise, but he didn't let it show.

"So, this is her?" he asked for clarification as the light was adjusted and dimmed down. This got her to stop squirming so strongly, but she was still clearly agitated.

"Yeah. We know she can speak, but she refuses to talk to any of us or tell us what happened," the detective explained.

"So why am I here?" Aizawa questioned.

"Well, you see..." The detective suddenly held his hand in pain. Aizawa glanced over, letting out a small "oh?" to see what the problem was. He was perplexed to see the rapid redness forming on the detective's fingertips, his nails looking like they'd been harshly scratched.

His eyes followed the detectives when he saw the girl scratching her nails and fingers aggressively against the armrest of the chair, face down and messy mop of hair covering her eyes. With every scratch, the chair let out awful squeaks. By now, their wasn't any nail left on her tips, leaving her to only drag her fingers on the the arm rest.

"What? What's going on, are you in pain?" asked a confused Aizawa.

"You see, that's her quirk," stated the detective. "Living Voodoo Doll." Aizawa already activated his quirk, erasure to wipe out the girl's power.

"We learned the hard way, she can transfer pain from self inflicted wounds to someone else," he explained.

So that's why they wanted me here.

The pro hero took another look at the girl, named (Y/n), and found her still dragging her fingers up and down, the swell and skin tearing starting to appear on her this time.

"She's not stopping," he noticed and whipped out his scarf that also acted as a capture weapon. Using the scarf, he tied her fingers so she couldn't keep hurting herself anymore. He could still sense her desperately trying to claw her way of it, all while growling and huffing like a feral animal.

"We've kindly asked news stations to take down her identity, but it's already been spread online, along with rumours. Right now, we don't have many ways to work with her or finding information," the detective informed him.

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