vii. No Matter What I Do I'm Never Feeling Like a Grown Up

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Whenever I have trouble trying to convey readers personality in words or dialogue I just wonder what tamaki suou would do. Also suggest hero name or have the title to be goddamit.

Act My Age - Hoodie Allen

IT WAS ONLY the next morning, and (Y/n) was ready to wake up early to visit Aizawa in the hospital. She got up, still groggy, and tossed on a pair of brown shorts and a (f/c) under shirt. She hesitated to leave without the chest-binder, but decided to put on an oversized hoodie to cover up her breasts. Wearing a binder for eight hours each day would make her ribs hurt.

Eh, still looked boyish enough, she shrugged. She made sure to brush her hair, then ruffle it enough to match the look she was going for.

After the incident from yesterday, she also had the chance to exchange phone numbers with a few classmates, including Kirishima, Asui, Uraraka, Midoriya, and a few others. The girl took pride, this was the first time she had so many contacts.

She's be even more thrilled, had she actually gotten the numbers of the two people she wanted the most: Bakugou and Todoroki.

School was temporarily closed, and after the incident, she didn't know if she should try to contact All Might or not and let him know about what the villain said there additional goal was: finding her.

The memories she'd worked so hard to suppress were starting to come back in cracks, not fully there. Just flashes under a foot of muddy water. But it was likely they were the two the had shown her how to use her quirk when she was little. For months at a time sometimes, she's just be in a cold basement without seeing their faces. Then they'd bring someone in and do some more experimentations on her.

How far she could go with her quirk without ingesting blood, how long would the effect last depending on how much blood, would the amount affect the pain the person felt, things like that.

If they're looking for me, could it be to. . . Recruit me for the league of villains or something? Hands in her pockets, she looked at the cement on the way to the hospital. Before the thought she could go all out if she were a villain, but could that actually be a real possibility now?

The hell are you thinking, you idiot? Why would you go back? After everything? She tapped at her head, scolding herself. Even just thinking about it was bad now.

Before she realized it, she was in the hospital. Aizawa's room was empty, but (Y/n) felt a little bit happy seeing the black rose in her hand that made the nearly all white room not look so bland. She pulled a chair next to him, scraping it. His face was covered in bandages, and his bloody scarf lay on a table nearby.

And then, she finally began to let loose and sob her heart out. She wept, tears filling her eyes and blurring her vision. The salty drops tolled down her face, and she tried not to make noise as to not disturb the resting Aizawa. After only a few minutes, (Y/n) wiped them away, still whimpering and sniffling.

"Aizawa. . ."

Her sensei suddenly replied, voice gravely and weak,"(Y/n)." This prompted the (h/c)nette to yelp, but then sigh in relief after nearly having a heart attack.

"Aizawa-Sensei!" she said once more. He started to try to sit up, but struggled and groaned in the process. "Wait, wait, you can't do that, you should lie down," (Y/n) ordered, preventing him from making and more attempts. She gently pushed him down so he has his back on the bed again.

"How are you feeling?" she asked nervously.

"I mean, I guess I could be better. But I'm alive, and so are you. That's all that really matters," said Aizawa, voice muffled through the bandages all over his face.

Suicide King || S. Todoroki x Reader x K. BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now