xiv. In a Tear Soaked Room, A Knock Is Being Transmitted

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A vocaloid song that I rlly love but is.... Also rlly fukin weird is probably adolescence by Rin n Len cuz it's like....... "secret unknown to mommy and daddy" or someshit like.... Hey...... How about don't????? But the music slaps ngl


Laugh Maker - .......Bump of Chicken???

"TO BE HONEST, when you said we had plans, I wasn't aware that we actually would," said (Y/n), "you know, have plans."

"Isn't that the point of making plans?"

"Well yeah, but wouldn't it have been helpful to give me a heads up?"

"Are you saying you don't want to, then?" He glanced at her.

"Hey, don't twist my words, Shou-Chan!" She admitted, she didn't actually know why he suddenly bust in with that we have plans, but she thought he'd spend the weekend doing other things instead of with her. Now that she said it out loud, she felt foolish.

It was a Sunday, and she wanted to sleep in and play video games, but there was also a twinge of guilt saying anything against hanging out. Unfortunately, she woke up a little late and her bedhead was still there. Thankfully, she decided to wear her binder because something always seems to fucking go wrong when sje wanted a break.

"I haven't hung out with a friend for non-academic purposes in a while though," the (h/c)nette realized. (Y/n) turned to Shouto and smiled at him energetically. "So it's nice to be with here with you!"

His mismatches eyes seemed to have an unidentifiable glint, and he responded by just turning away. "Yeah. It's the same for me," he said a little quietly, then faced forward, toward the shopping district. "What should we do first?"

She hummed, scanning the area in thought. "Do you have any clothes you need to buy? We could check out those first!"

"No-" Wait. He had to remember what Fuyumi taught him.

"I don't understand boys, but they're complicated! You're a boy, so you know the most about them! Just do whatever you'd want if it were you!"

That was what he'd been instructed with after seeking advice. But being one of the few who knew her secret, he couldn't blurt it out to anyone. Thus, the advice was deemed virtually useless.

He had to pause to think about it. Right now, Shouto was on his own.

Actually, now that he thought about it, he didn't plan that far ahead. Hell, he didn't know why he'd blurted that out back then. It was the first thing that came to mind when Momo was going to ask (Y/n) to hang out, so it was on a whim. He was starting to regret it now though.

Another moment of hesitation. "Suuuuuure," he stated awkwardly, slurring with uncertainty. When the girl looked at him, he tensed up, pretending he wasn't about to shrivel up with this unknown nervousness.

He was sweating buckets with a very stoic face. Crap, did I mess up?

"Alright! Let's look around then! I'm getting tired of just borrowing old clothes from Aizawa-Sensei when I'm not in my uniform," you admitted.

Shouto breathed out a sigh of relief. Oh thank god. But he noticed something. "You call him Aizawa-Sensei outside of school?"

Shoot, now it was her turn to freeze. But being taught at home and having nothing but time for a few years, you had a lot of time to think. This was the kind of student who'd prepared back up scenarios and excuses, more out of the fear of getting found out and ruining somebody's life on accident than anything else.

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