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Maybe our world will grow kinder eventually. Maybe the desire to make something beautiful is the piece of god that is inside each of us. Devotions - Mary Oliver.

Dear All of Class 1-A,

Things are going alright, I think. There are a lot of things I'm trying to improve, and I've been getting a lot of help! My mom has been trying to spend more time with me, but she gets very busy sometimes. I think it was like that before too, but I'm not sure.

I don't know why she left when I was little, but I guess I don't really care. Actually, it's more like since it already happened, it doesn't matter, therefore I don't have a reason to care.
Uh, let's see. Writing triple dots on paper is weird, so pretend there's a thinking pause here.

I've learned more about myself. About what candy I like, how I can't lie without twirling my hair a little, how my hands have an instinct of making gang signs (that's what my mom calls them), and my satisfaction at buying groceries when there's a sale. It's probably one of the best feelings in the world!!!!! I hope you all get to buy food at a discounted price at some point in your lives!!!! :D

But the best feeling so far is when I remember a little more about the old me. In a way, it feels like a part of me has died so a different me can live. Its weird to think of it like that, and I don't wanna be no Debbie Downer, so I think of it as a bit of me died so a new me could grow! Within death, there's always life. Someone probably told me that. I can't remember his name though, which sucks.

Some names I do remember are Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Bakugou and Todoroki! I can't quite memorize the rest, I'm very sorry (╥﹏╥) (making faces are very fun too!!!!!!!)

Todoroki and Bakugou come to mind most frequently, which means I probably spent a lot of time with them! The last time I saw them at the train with everyone else, they looked kind of upset. If anything happened, I hope they feel better now! Please let them know that! And the same goes for everyone else too!!!

I also remember Yaoyorozu a bit! The thing I take note of most is probably how nice black hair is. It's very pretty, probably the most beautiful I've ever seen LOL!

There's not much else to say, I suppose. I'm learning things I should've known ages ago. It's better than nothing though, but I hope I'll be able to re-enter society and not end up like some domesticated uhhhhhhhh domesticated turtle (it took me a while to remember that. Who said that again???) released into the wild LOL!

Oh wait, one more thing! I have to hurry, the page is almost all used up!! D:

There's someone else I see quite a lot in my mind. I saw him before, but I don't remember his name. He looked a little scary, but when I talked to him a little more after my confinement, I realized he was very nice! I was probably around him a lot too, so give him a shout! He looked very scruffy, wore all black, and had a long scarf! He was also unshaven and untidy! Please practice healthy hygiene, my good sir!

Oh, so that's all, for real this time! My mom told me it'll probably be my last letter (and first RIP!!) because she thinks it's best to cut all contact with anything that could bring up bad memories. In a few weeks, we'll move somewhere else to, so I'll have to reasisilimate (I can't spell it :( )

So yeah! I hope you all became wonderful heroes that you were made to be. I'm sorry if I ended up becoming a burden, but maybe someday we'll meet again! When that day comes, I'll greet all of you with a smile! Until then, I'll live, with my head held high. I will wait until I see you again! So I ask you to do the same, and smile, Class 1-A! You'll save the world some day!

(Y/n) (L/n) :)))!!

Neutral -Closure?

Hi. Something small. Watch Code Geass and read my tamaki x reader (。ì _ í。)

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