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Ethan's POV

I woke up to loud noises outside. I groggily sat up on the side of my bed and walked towards the door to whatever commotion is happening outside. When I opened the door I was greeted by a beautifully designed camp. It looks way better than before with all these balloons and banners and some lights.

"What's happening?" I asked Debby as she passed by carrying a good looking cake.

"Oh, it's the celebration of this camp on its 6th month" she said with a smile. "It might be weird but let us have our fun."

She smiled at me and walked away carefully handling her cake as she set it on the table in the middle of the camp. It's actually cute to be honest. Celebrating the strength of this camp is enough to make a person happy these days.

"Okay everyone! Are you ready for our monthly dead hunt?!" Axel shouted from a makeshift stage in front of me, earning a loud cheer from the others. "For our newcomer, every month we divide ourselves into groups and we hold a competition on the most undead kills. The group with the most kills, wins!"

"That's great" I said with a grin.

"Okay, unto dividing the camp into 4 groups with 5 members each" he says and walked towards a bowl with papers, I assume with our names on it. "Okay unto the first group, Ryuki, Jade, Rome, Debby and I."

"Aw, come on!" Larry groaned. "The strongest ones are in your group!"

"You can always try next time" Jade jokingly said and showed her to tounge toward him.

"Oh, wait till I beat your ass" he said jokingly.

"I'd like to see you try!" She replied.

"Okay unto the next group, it will be, Tom, Larry, Lacy, Anna, and Shirley!" Axel announced as he picked five papers from the bowl.

"Oh yeah! Our team is as strong as yours" Larry proudly said.

"Not really" Jade replied with a smirk.

"The third group is consisted of Loise, Lorelie, Sharon, Ethan and Lisa!" Tom announced.

"Ooh, looks like we found the losing team" Larry chided.

"Shut up, asshole" Lorelie angrily replied. "Why do we even have to do this shit?"

"People with low IQ can't understand" I answered her, annoyed.

"The rest, Troy, James, Shauna, Gabbie and Lance, you're the fourth group, understood?" Tom announced beside Axel.

The people nodded except, as usual, Lorelie.

"Remember the rules, kill the undead as much as you can. No holding back. One kill is equal to one point. After killing them, you need to cut the head and place them in the provided bag and when it's full you have to bring them back in the camp and pile them up in your assigned places. One of your members need to stay here in the camp to protect your undead because you can steal the kills of your opponent by dragging the dead to your assigned place." Axel said. "Now, for a twist, each of us will be holding a flag with all our names embroidered into it, thanks to Debby. It's your choice whether to hold each of your own flags or you assign a certain person to keep them all."

"The challenge is, to keep your flag until the game ends. If you lost yours, your team loses 5 points, equivalent of 5 kills, which is big." Tom said. "Over all it could be your game changer, your way to success or your downfall."

AS THE DEAD RISES: Book 1 & 2 [COMPLETED] {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now