Failed Kiss

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Tom Pov:

I slowly wake up to feeling surprisingly warm...


Why do I feel arms around me?

I open my eyes and see a arm around my chest and feel another one under me.

Whose are these?..

I turn my head to my left which leads me to scream bloody murder.

I push Tord away from me and crawl backwards to the edge of the bed while tightly gripping the blanket to cover up my body that only has boxers on which earns a groan from Tord and him sitting up with a sleepy look and his body with only boxers on as well. His face then changes to a sleepy smile when he sees me, making me utterly confused.

"I see you're awake," Tord says with his face becoming much more awake.

I'm unable to control my volume as I scream, "WHAT THE FUCK COMMIE!!!???"

"What?" Tord asks with confusion which confuses me on how he's not uncomfortable right now as well.


"Well we're not fully naked first of all and I was cuddling you because that's what couples do,"

"What the hell do you mean by couple?! We're not a couple!!"

"Well we are now that you're mine~" Tord gives me a flirty smirk.

"What the hell do you mean??"

Tord leans toward me and holds my chin with his thumb and his index fingers knuckle and looks deep into my eyes which seems to send me through a trance of sorts.

"I claimed you as mine when I took you away from civilization my Prince~" Tord says with his voice deepened and accent becoming heavy, making me blush and shiver.

"Y-you can't do th-that..." I say, stuttering like a idiot.

"I can do what ever I want with you now~" Tord slides his thumb gently across my bottom lip while staring down at it with a look of lust, my eyelids droop and my mouth slightly gapes. "Absolutely anything~"

I feel almost frozen as he slowly leans into my face, but before he can connect our lips there's a knock at the door which snaps me out of my trance and slap Tord hard enough that he lets go of me and leans back a bit.

"YOU FUCKING PERVERT!!" I scream and get up from the bed, running into his personal bathroom and locking it.

Tord Pov:

I rub my cheek that probably left a red hand print or something because it stings.

He'll love me eventually.

"Are you okay in there Sir??" I hear a familiar voice say from the door.

That's definitely Patryk.

I sigh then grab a pair of jeans, putting them on then walking to the door.

I open the door and say to Patryk, "I'm fine Patryk."

"What happened to your cheek?" Patryk asks me.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Um.. Oh right,"

"Grab Thomas some comfortable clothes so I can show him around," I point my eyes toward the bathroom door. "I have to get him out of the bathroom, so take your time."

"Yes Sir,"

I close my bedroom door then walk to the bathroom door then jiggle the door knob to see it's locked.

"Tom you have to come out eventually," I say.

"No I don't," Tom says.

"I'll pick lock this door,"

"Even if you do, I won't let you take me out,"

"Then I'll have my strongest soldiers take you out,"



Tom unlocks the bathroom door and opens it with a mad face.

I pull him toward me by his waist with one hand and caress his cheek with my other, saying, "You're so beautiful my Prince~"

"Don't call me that Commie," Tom says then pushes me away. "I'll never be your anything."

"We'll see about that,"

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