Diagnosis... Again

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Tord Pov:

I sit on a chair next to Toms hospital bed and prepare myself for the worst for when the doctor comes in and tells me what's wrong with Tom. I have no idea what happened, but Tom needed to be put into surgery to survive.

The doctor/surgeon comes into the room and I quickly ask her, "What happened to him?"

The doctor then looks down with a frown and says, "He had another heart attack Sir."

"What do you mean another?" The doctor gives me a surprised look as if it's common fact.

"Well Sir... These past six months he's been having heart attacks.. He had them about one time each month and they were never that severe, but this one was pretty bad,"

"He had six heart attacks?.." The doctor looks away from me.

"Yes Sir... We were having trouble figuring out what was causing them, so we went to the women that knew what happened to you... and we got the answer..." My eyes widen.

"Who is that?!"

"It's the armys therapist Sir-" I bolt out of the room.

Patryk Pov:

"Patryk, Tom's okay, you don't need to feel bad!" Paul tries to comfort me.

"Paul he's not okay... H-he's sick! Just like Tord! B-but this sickness is deadly and he can't control it! He's already had s-six heart attacks! He keeps hurting himself, like how he cuts his arm to the point he passes out, he attempted suicide by hanging himself, and he has severe depression that he can't control! How could he be okay?!" I say and look down as tears run down my cheeks.

"Pat we already talked to Lilly and found out the sickness, it's just up to Tord if he'll be okay or not. Tord will find out what the problem is from Lilly eventually and he will do his best to help it, but we can't do anything about it,"

"So you're trying to tell me we're useless?" Silence.

"Yeah, pretty much," Silence again. I get up from my seat and sprint out the door with Paul calling out to me, but I keep running.

Tord Pov:

"What's wrong with him?" I ask in desperation. "I need to know."

"I already told the doctors-"

"They told me to come to you," I say. "Now please, just tell me so I can do something about it!"

Lilly sighs then says, "He has a disease that comes from when OLD is cured. Not everyone suffers it, but many people do. It's called Unrequited Love Disease, or ULD for short."

"How did Tom get it?"

"It only happens when the person that was cured from OLD rejects the person they were obsessing over completely once they realize they either still hate the person or they just don't like them that way,"

"What's the cure?"

Lilly looks down with a unsure face before saying, "No ones figured out a cure for it, but they found the more the former OLD patient spends time with the diagnosed ULD patient... Th-then it can help the sick ones depression and make them happy, but the physical suffering only lessens. Tom will always suffer the pain.. is what I'm trying to say."

My eyes widen, "A-always?"

"Unless you can figure out a cure, then yes," I look down with a sad look. "I recommend keeping him around you at all times, even if it isn't in a intimate way. Just be physically in contact with him as much as you can, like holding hands or hugging often." I look up at her with a unsure face. "It'll lessen the pain for him." I nod.

I'm so sorry Tom...

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