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When you have to go back several chapters and read most of the book all over again because you forgot important factors and you need to know them to make more chapters..

Just gangsta things

Tord Pov:

Tom has run off somewhere in the party and I have no idea where, so my main goal is find Tom right now before doing anything else, it's dangerous for him to be alone in a place like this...

"Excuse me," I say with every person I pass, the party is so crowded that it's incredible. I accidentally knock someone over while I was looking away, so I say, "I'm sorry!"

I hold my hand out for the woman in the suit to take, but she slaps my hand away. She stands up on her own and says in a angry tone, "it's you, Red Leader. I can tell from your sickening accent."

It takes me a few moments to realize who this is, "Pink Leader?"

"No shit Sherlock," she says, she seems pissed off. "If you touch me EVER again, our ally treaty is off! Got it? I'm only keeping this goddamn treaty because I respect my mother's wishes, but I won't hesitate to start a war with you you Norwegian fuck!" Oh my lord she reminds me of how Tom used to be, Jesus fucking christ.

She starts to walk away until I mumble, "I said I was sorry, Jesus..." but she somehow hears and walks right back up to me.

"What did you fucking say cunt?" Pink Leader asks me with a glare.

I start to get quite pissed myself as I angrily smirk, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"THAT'S IT!" Pink Leader punches me in the face and I stumble back. She's strong for a girl, maybe she can take just a few punches...

Tom Pov:

I ended up having a nice conversation with some of the generals of the main leaders, everything was going great... until we start to hear chants in the middle of the party. I keep hearing, "Kick his ass Pink Leader!" and "Teach her a lesson Red Leader!"

I mutter a "oh no" then sigh, I turn toward the generals and say, "If you'll excuse me, I need to go get my Leader." I then dash through the crowd to see Red Leader and Pink Leader having a brutal fight with just their bare fists. "Goddamnit Tord! I leave for two goddamn seconds!"

I jump into the fight circle and I start to grab Tord and try to pull him away, but Pink Leader keeps pulling him back into the fight. I think it's hopeless until Britney comes over and grabs Pink Leader, which we then end up stopping the fight together by pulling them far away from each other.

"Let go Mother!-"

"That's quite enough young lady!" Britney says as Pink Leader growls at Tord intensely and Tord just pants with a glare toward her. Britney turns toward Tord and says, "I take full responsibility for my daughter, I can tell she must've angered you Red Leader and you have my deepest apologies."

Tord takes a deep breath and says to me, "You can let go now Tom," I silently let go and Tord stands up straight as he dusts himself off. He look to Britney and says, "I think Thomas and I will be taking our leave Britney, invite us back over when your daughter learns proper manners." Tord takes my arm and drags me through the crowd and out the house door.

What a goddamn night...

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