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Tord Pov: *Before The Siren*

"Are you insane?! You find their base then you don't let me go?!" I ask Paul and Patryk with anger. "I don't care what you fucking say! I will go and if you try to stop me I'll KILL both of you!! Then feed your bodies to wealthy cannibals that'll pay me more money worth than your fucking lives!!!"

"Ouch," Paul says.

"Red Leader, we think this is for the best since you're more... wanted.. than the rest of us," Patryk says. "And the fact that Tom has been put in therapy specifically to be taught to hate you, could make it difficult making him come back with us if you come along."


"Red Leader, the camera droid has been placed," a women from inside the camera room says to me.

I grab Paul and Patryks turtle necks and say to them, "If you even try to stop me from leaving, I'll literally gauge your eyes out and feed them to my mutant ogres." I let go of them and stomp into the camera room.

I stiffly stand in front of the large screen on the wall and cross my arms in a tight position. We have a spy in The Rebellion base so we had them place a droid inside and let us drive it around the place to figure out the base structure to make a proper plan to invade.

We drive it through several places without being spotted since it's nighttime now and it seems no ones awake at night in the base.

Eventually, I can't take anymore looking around since I've been dying to see what Toms doing. Just seeing him sleeping would make me so happy.

"Locate Tom now Sierra," I say to the soldier driving the droid.

"But we haven't explored the whole base yet Sir-"

"JUST DO IT!" I yell.

"YES SIR!" Sierra responds in a panic.

Sierra the puts a strand of Toms hair into the remote controlling the droid which puts a red dot on the screen that signifies where Tom is. Sierra then quickly drives toward the area. After a minute we arrive at a door that the red dot says Tom is inside, but what's weird is we hear noises coming from inside. The droid doesn't have the best audio, but you can still hear things clearly. Sierra presses a button on the remote to make the droid small enough to slide under the door, which we then do.

My eyes widen and my mouth gapes when I hear the sudden moaning and see Edd kissing and biting Toms neck and grinding against him while Tom is almost completely naked. Everyone in the room is shocked and silent, they look at me as if expecting a sudden outburst of rage, but I'm too busy feeling betrayed and hurt.

What happened to him saying he loved me? What happened to him enjoying time with me? What happened to him moaning my name and begging for more from me?

"E-Edd, Tord never t-took my virginity..." Tom says to Edd on the screen which makes my heart stop since I'm so unsure on what he's trying to get at when he says that.

"R-really?" Edd asks Tom which the progression of the conversation gives me massive anxiety.

"Y-yes, he just did a- a lot sexual th-things wi-with me, b-but not s-sex..." Tom says to Edd which I look down in fear and disappointment that I couldn't go farther than just "Sexual Things".

"Then give me permission to be your first." Edd whispers to Tom which someone the audio catches. This causes me to start to hyperventilate and it makes my heart race.

After a long and painful silence Tom says to Edd, "I.. I give you permission Edd..."

I make a large gasp and I hold my chest where my heart is since it hurts like a bullet hit it, I fall on to my hands and knees and I feel like I'm forgetting how to breath.

"Sir!!" Paul and Patryk scream and run over to me, they get on their knees on the sides of me and ask me things like "Are you okay?!" and "What's wrong?!". Which I scream out in sadness as tears fill my eyes.

My radio then says, "Sir! We're starting the attack!" I immediately go silent and my eyes widen.

I stand up and go to run out the door, but Paul and Patryk grab me. Patryk says, "Sir no!"

I hit them on to the floor and sprint out the door. I continue to sprint until I've made it to the base garage, I then grab a motorcycle and get on it, putting on the red helmet and pressing a button on the motorcycle keys to open the garage door. I then zoom out of the garage and make my way to The Rebellion base.

Tom Pov:

I ended up having to put the uncomfortable clothes back on since Edd and I are apparently escaping the building to avoid the attack.

But to be honest.. If Tord finds me and tells me to come back... I don't think I'll be able to say no...

Edd is practically dragging me down the hall as we run to the meet up area, but there's Red Army soldiers coming from every entrance so Edd keeps having to find a path that we can get through without running into soldiers since there's at least eight soldiers a group.

We come up to a three way fork in the hallway and eight soldiers appear from the middle way. A soldier yells, "Hey there they are!"

"Tom you go left and I'll go right and we'll meet up at the exit, got it?" Edd whispers to me.



Edd then runs down the right hall so in panic I immediately run down the left hall. I continue to take different turns until I see the exit at the end of a hall, so I run toward it.

I stop in the middle of another three way hallway system when I hear, "Wait Tom!"

I turn to my left to see Satan so I ask, "Satan?? What are you doing here?!"

"I came to take you back! But we have to hurry! The buildings going to collapse from a bomb soon!" Satan says then holds his hand out. "Now come on!"

I then hear someone yell from the right hall, "Wait Tom!" I look to my right to see Edd.

"Edd!" I say to Edd.

"I found the meet up place! We have to go!" Edd says to me.

"But Tom! Red Leader is going insane and he needs you!" Satan says to me with desperation. "We all need you at base!"

"Tom! Don't listen to this Red Army soldier! He's trying to take you back to Tord! You don't want that right?!" Edd asks me. "Now come on Tom! The place is going to explode soon!"

I look back and forth between the two in panic. Oh no what do I do?! Satan will bring me back to Tord and I will be happy while Edd is my friend and needs me with him! Shit...

The exit at the end of the hall then bursts open and a motorcycle zooms in and comes to a stop in front of me by turning on his side. This confuses me on who it could be until they take off their helmet. "Tord!" I say with happiness until I see his tear stained cheeks and his serious while also upset looking face.

"Please Tom... Come home," Tord says and holds his hand out.

"Tom please no!! Remember?! He's the bad guy?! Remember?!" Edd begs me with tears in his eyes.

My feelings say for me to reject Tord and run with Edd.. But my body and desire for happiness moves on it's own when it grabs Tords hand. Tord pulls me on to the motorcycle and we ride right back out the exit door.



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