Deal With The Devil

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Mr. Bickle looked at me as if he were in a state of shock while Jazz looked at me with disgust.

“Ms. Summer I believe I told you to return to class-“

“Don’t pull that crap Mr. Bickle! The only reason you cut the girls team is because Jazz told you to, didn’t you?!” I asked.
When they didn’t argue, my rage boiled over. “HOLY CRAP YOU DID! You didn’t do it because the girls soccer team was unpopular, you did it because of her. That’s the only way this makes sense. This is the first year the players on the team have been down so low. We almost always go to state. OUR TEAM IS AMAZING! You fucking cut it because your bitchy niece wanted you to?!”

“Miss Summer calm down.”


As I raged on, I heard Mr. Bickle tell Jazz to leave so he could “deal with me.” As the door shut he stood up. “Miss Summer SIT DOWN.” He ordered.

I shut my mouth and sat down. I clenched my teeth as tight as humanly possible to keep from going off again.

“I’ll make you a little deal. I will let your team be funded if and only if you can get to state without the help of your coach.”

“But what about the costs of the bus and everything? We need the funds for that!” I pointed out.

“You’ll have to come up with the money yourself.”

“Where the hell am I gona find that kind of money?!”

Mr. Bickle gave me a grin that looked all too similar to Jazz’s.

I knew why he was doing this. He knew that none of us girls could afford to play if we had to pay out of our own pockets. So what looked like a chance was actually our downfall in disguise. If we even attempted this, we would be working ourselves to the bone, not to mention what we would have to go through to find the money to pay for this.

But I won’t let this show. I’ll play along to his little game. And I’ll win. Because I won’t quit. Soccer players don’t quit!
I gave Mr. Bickle a bright and polite smile. I held out my hand, “You got yourself a deal Mr. Bickle.”

His grin grew, as he reached out to shake my hand.


I walked out of the main office and into the direction of my locker. I had missed my last class while being in Mr. Bickles office. Which I had absolutely no problem with. Afterall, I only missed trig.

As I rounded the corner I saw Bryce leaning against my locker waiting for me. He saw me too, and met me half way.

“How did it go? Is he going to fund the team again?” he asked.

“Uhh, kind of...” I told him.

“What do you mean, “kind of”?” he questioned, raising and eyebrow.




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