Chapter 7

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After breakfast Blake led me out of the pack house, towards his own house. I had never heard of an Alpha not living in the pack house. In Black Moon the Alpha and his entire family lived inside the pack house. However, Blake apparently decided to be an exception that proves the rule. I could only guess what made him decide to do such a thing. Did he want more privacy? Or was there another reason?

All throughout breakfast I had tried to place the blonde she-wolf, but with no avail. I still had no idea who she was or where our paths might have crossed before. The only thing I was sure of was that there was something about her.

The building Blake and I walked up to, was much smaller than the pack house. It was even smaller than I expected. It wasn't some lavish mansion with countless rooms, but a wooden family house; something Shyrin instantly fell in love with.

The house was two stories high, with a small patio and too many windows for me to bother to count.

Personally I didn't care what it looked like. As long as it had a bed, a bathroom and food, I was satisfied.

Blake led me upstairs into a bedroom, where I was bombarded with the by now familiar mixture of cinnamon and forest, the moment I passed the threshold. His scent.

This was definitely his room.

I expected the room to be just as dark and masculine as Hunter's room, but Blake's was surprisingly bright. Most of it was due to the warm sunlight shining through two windows and a balcony door. The furniture was as expected for a bedroom, from a bed to a closet and so on.

Fortunately, there wasn't much clutter, otherwise I would have already scattered. I hated clutter and unnecessary items. Even back in my pack I only had the things I needed or the items that held a sentimental value, like my thumb ring.

What was an upgrade from my own bedroom, was the adjoining bathroom. While I peeked inside, Blake fumbled with something inside his closet. He pulled out a pair of shorts and one of his T-shirts.

"I don't have any woman's clothes, so this will have to do for now."

As I was already wearing a stranger's clothes, I had no problem with wearing his. With a nonchalant shrug, I accepted the folded heap.

"You can take a shower if you want." He walked into the bathroom and began pointing around the room. "Here are some fresh towels. Here's the soap. If you need anything else, just call out."

Without answering I waited until he waked out of the room and then locked the door. I didn't feel like I needed to take a shower, but I guessed this was his subtle way of telling me I reeked. After all it had been a while since my last proper shower.

Stripping the clothes of me, I stepped into the rain of warm water. Goddess, it felt good.

While standing under the water, my thoughts began to move around my current situation. No matter how much they tried to distract me with warm food and fresh clothes, I didn't lose sight of my goal. I needed to find my mother.

Shyrin, you know we can't stay, right?

A short silence followed. I thought she was intentionally ignoring me, but then came her whispered answer.


The pain I heard in the single word had my heart twisting. I usually didn't give a damn about other people's feelings, but my wolf was the exception. Because she was a big part of me, I couldn't just ignore her wishes and needs.

However, right now we didn't have another choice. No matter how hard she yearned to be with our mate, we couldn't stay. My mother was still out there. If we remained here, I would never be able to forgive myself.

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