Chapter 18

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Like every morning I woke up at five a.m. sharp. I didn't even need an alarm clock anymore, as my body jolted awake almost to the minute precise.

However, one thing was different from waking up back in Black Moon. This was of course the other person lying in bed with me. I could feel his breath on the base of my neck, despite the empty space between our bodies. He knew I would rip his arm off the moment he dared touch me in my sleep.

For once Shyrin was the impatient one, as she yearned for Blake to finally mark us. The only thing keeping him from doing so was of course me. Knowing that the moment he marked me I would officially become the Luna of the pack had me hesitating. Or at least it's what I was trying to tell myself.

This morning turned out to be different from all of my previous ones. The moment I lifted my upper body into a sitting position, a low voice startled me.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going training. What else does it look like, dimwit?" I hid my wide eyes behind the cocky remark, before slipping out of bed.

In my standing position I felt secure enough, so I finally turned around. Blake looked deep in thought, as he silently studied me. Because I was in no mood to continue with the nonsense, I spun back around and made my way into the bathroom.

"I'm coming with you." He informed me right before I closed the door.

By the time I was finished he was already dressed in a pair of loose basketball shorts and a pair of sneakers. Nothing else.

I allowed my eyes to travel down his sculptured abs and muscular arms. Damn, my mate was hot.

Blake's eyes in return travelled down my own body, which he didn't even try to hide. I was dressed in a tight pair of black shorts, a gray sports bra and a pair of dark blue sneakers.

His obvious eyeing didn't bother me and neither did I feel a need to cover myself. I loved my body, every single one of my muscles. Even the scars. They were all an integral part of me.

"We won't get anything done, if you won't focus."

I didn't even give him a chance to respond, before I jogged out of the room and out the house. He caught up with me by the time I reached the outside, and we ran side by side to the training ground. It was a nice warm-up.

Once there, I decided to start with a few laps around the pack land in our wolf forms. As I moved to take off my bra, Blake instantly averted his eyes. I held in a laugh at how red his ears looked. Who knew that the big bad Alpha could blush?

The sound of breaking bones filled the silent morning air, as both of us shifted into our wolf forms. Shyrin was dying to nuzzle her head against his soft fur, but I kept her on a leash. This wasn't the time for such foolish things.

Embracing the crispy morning air, we rushed into the first lap. My competitive streak came to life before I could stop myself and I became determined to beat him.

For about four laps I led, with him right behind me. The speed we were going at would have left normal werewolves long behind us. But Blake didn't seem to have a problem with keeping up. Damn his Alpha genes.

In the last lap he raced in front of me and added even more speed. I tried my best to keep up with him, but by the time we reached the training ground the winner was obvious. He was indescribably fast in his wolf form, even for an Alpha.

We took a moment to catch our breaths and shifted back into our human forms. Then I challenged him to two laps in our human forms. I was determined to win this time. Within seconds, we were back to flying across the forest.

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