Chapter 14

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Blake dropped me onto the floor once we were inside his house. I didn't even bother to catch myself before I landed on my ass. I just sat there on the floor, staring at my blood covered hands.

It wasn't real. The bastard was dead.

That's what I kept repeating to myself. My heartbeat was still racing and there was a loud ringing inside my ears.

He was dead.

A pair of sneakers appeared in my vision and I looked up to find an expressionless Blake standing in front of me. The only thing conveying his true feelings were his clenched fists.

"What was that?" His voice was freezing cold.

I stared back at him, trying to push down the memories. They had no hold over me any longer. At least that's what I tried to tell myself. I wasn't the little ten-year-old girl anymore. No one could hurt me now.

"You lost it back there. Don't try to deny it." His eyes were still boring into mine. "Something happened."

"Nothing happened." Even to my own ears my voice sounded strange, as if a cat had scratched the inside of my throat. "I won the fight, didn't I?"

"Yes, you're officially a member of the pack now." I expected him to continue to prod me about the fight, but instead he crunched down until we were on eye level. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" What was he talking about?

"That you actually know how to fight. That you're a skilled warrior." He lifted his hand up to my face, but I swatted it away before his fingers could come too close to my skin.

"I won the fight. Isn't that what's important?" I narrowed my eyes.

"No, it isn't... Well, yes it is. But..."

I had never heard him struggle for words before now; not even when he told me to reject him.

"But what?" What was going on inside that head of his?

"But I wish I'd known you were a good fighter before. I could barely keep it together as I watched you fight Jaida... I thought you had changed your mind about joining my pack." This time I didn't stop him as his fingers softly grazed the side of my cheek.

"As if she could ever beat me. Shouldn't you have guessed from my physique that I'm a warrior?"

I was offended that he doubted my fighting skills. I knew he hadn't seen me in action before, but still. My muscles spoke for themselves. Where did he think I got them? Working in the field?

"I thought you were strong, but unskilled. What was I supposed to think when the border patrol almost killed you? Or when an ordinary pack member managed to stab you?"

"I was hardly able to walk when I bumped into your border patrol. If I hadn't been stabbed, I would have easily gotten away. As for the pack member, I still don't remember that. As far as I know, you could be making it up."

A loud sigh escaped his lips as he rested his forehead against mine. My entire body froze at the unexpected action. I hadn't expected him to get so close and personal with me. This was brand-new territory for me and I wasn't sure if I liked it.

He closed his eyes, while I continued to look at him. A few drops of sweat were still clinging to his forehead. He actually had strained himself not to intervene into my fight. If he were anyone else, I would have slapped him for the mere suggestion that I wasn't able to take on the Gamma. However, since he was my mate, I let it slide. Just this once.

"At least I now know not to underestimate you. The way you fought Jaida. I could barely see your movements."

"Well, that's what years of training and Beta blood get you."

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