Chapter 29

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I blinked a couple of times, hoping it was all just a dream.

However, Hunter was still kneeling in front of me, gazing up at me with those melting brown eyes. His words were still echoing in my mind, but I didn't know what to do with them.

He loved me.

Despite Blake's warning, I pulled up a mental block. This was between Hunter and me. It had nothing to do with Blake.

"How could I not have fallen in love with you?" He continued, his eyes glistening with his feelings. "The fierce redhead who could beat most of our fellow warriors. The Red she-devil."

Motionlessly I watched, as he carefully took a hold of my hand.

"I watched you grow up into the strong, independent woman you are today and somewhere along the way I fell for you. When I turned sixteen, I was so sure I'd recognize you as my mate, but we both know how that turned out... But no matter what, for me it's always been you, Ren. I never wanted for you to become my Beta, because I knew you would one day be my Luna."

With every spoken word his eyes softened, breaking my heart piece by piece. We had grown up together, side by side, through thick and thin. Yet never in my wildest dreams had I thought that he considered me as anything other than a friend. To me he had always been my only friend and nothing more.

However, now he was here, telling me he had intended for me to become the Luna. All those years of my hard work, and he never intended to make me the Beta.

My thoughts skipped through my memories, wondering if he'd ever shown any signs of feeling anything other than profound friendship for me. From our early training days when he'd been the only one who believed in me; to my first shift when he wrapped me in his arms, asking me if I was okay; and his sixteenth birthday when he skipped out on his own party to be with me and my broken leg. Then our everyday trainings where he couldn't just go easy on me anymore, as I was too skilled, and my sixteenth birthday when everyone seemed more excited than I was...

So many memories existed between the two of us, but I saw them all through the eyes of a friend; maybe even an older brother I never had.

"But now it seems I'm too late." He let go of my hand, forcing me back to the present.

His eyes weren't focused on my face anymore, but rather slightly lower. Exactly on the base of my neck, where my mark was painfully visible. I quickly covered it with my hand, as if to protect it from him.

"I... I found my mate." I had never struggled with words, as much as I did at this moment.

He had poured out his feelings for me, and here I was about to break his heart. I had never felt as much of a bad guy as right now. Not even after my first kill.

"Who is he?"

I couldn't look into his eyes. Not while I was about to crush his heart.

"Alpha Janson." I winced at his in drawn breath. He hadn't expected this name.

With a heavy heart I explained everything to him. From the moment I left after my mother, to meeting Blake and right up to this instant. I left most things out, especially those connected to Blake and I, but I still gave him enough information, so he could understand the big picture.

Only when I was finished, did I dare to look into his eyes.

He had let go of me as he mentioned my mark, but he remained in his kneeling position. Despite his expression remaining unchanged, I could see the pain reflected in his eyes. I was hurting my closest friend and I couldn't do anything to change it. He deserved to know the truth.

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