Chapter 13

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"Mrs. Archer —" My mate's voice reached my ears as I came closer to the pack house.

It was around seven in the morning, the perfect time for breakfast. I had already finished my morning training and had a relaxing shower. Now, all I needed, for an even better start of the day, was a hefty breakfast. I could already smell the sizzling bacon, even from the outside.

"Please, call me Felicia," my mother replied.

I understood her wish, since Archer was Ulric's last name. She didn't want to be reminded of him, especially now when she found her true mate.

"Felicia, I hope you don't mind me asking, but why does Ren call everyone Bob."

I had only a few steps left to reach the back door, but I stopped in my tracks. I had a feeling their conversation would stop the moment I entered the room, and I was curious to hear what his reaction would be.

It had been two days since I've been reunited with my mother, the day of our acceptance challenge. Until now Blake had never asked me about the Bob thing, so I hadn't even been sure if he was aware of it. Now, I had my answer.

"Ren remembers only the names of the people she sees as important. Not important as of high status, but important to her. Names she uses on a daily basis. With the other names she doesn't even bother. She uses the name Bob to refer to anyone whose name she doesn't know."

I waited to hear a response from my mate, but the only thing I heard was a thoughtful hmm. With my thin patience I finished the distance to the pack house and entered the dinning room. I stole a glance at my mate, but his expression wasn't telling me anything.

After I filled my plate with my well-deserved breakfast, I sat down on the chair to Blake's right. While he always sat at the head of the table, the chair on his right was always kept free for me. I wasn't sure if it was one of his decisions or another one of the packs traditions. And they had many traditions.

As I sat down, I decided to have some fun. "Morning, Mom. Bob."

The part about Bob was aimed at my own mate, who instantly stiffened. I pretended not to notice, as I chewed my first forkful of scrambled eggs.

Just as I was about to take another bite a hand grabbed my chin and turned my face. I was forced to meet Blake's blazing eyes. Oh, he got the insult all right.

"Don't ever call me Bob again." He didn't sound as angry as I thought he would, but his voice was an octave colder than normally.

I couldn't keep the spark of amusement out of my eyes. His reaction was just too funny.

It finally dawned on him that I must have heard his conversation with my mother and was only teasing him.

With a shake of my head, I swatted his hand away and went back to my breakfast.

After breakfast Mom went back with me to Blake's house. The time was nearing for our respected fights, so we both needed to get dressed. Because neither of us had packed anything before leaving our pack, we were given the clothes of some pack members.

I dressed in a pair of black shorts and a dark green sports bra. I usually didn't wear a shirt for training, so I decided not to wear one now either.

Mom was dressed more conservatively, in a pair of tight Capri pants and a loose T-shirt. It was weird seeing her in such casual clothes, as she never worked out. The only time she ever exercised was in her wolf form.

While I was half jumping with excitement for the upcoming challenge, she was visibly trembling. The only thing I could think of to calm her down was to give her a few pointers for the fight. They worked surprisingly well, as she stopped shaking and instead focused on what I was telling her.

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